Mausoleum of "Khoja Mashkhad"

Date de soumission : 09/11/1999
Catégorie : Culturel
Soumis par :
Off. of Preservation and Restoration of Monum. of History and Culture, Artistic Ex. Min. of Culture
Coordonnées The mausouleum is situated at a distance of 6 km to the south from the regional center of Shahrituz, in the mouth of Kofarnikhon River, near the kishlak of Sied
Ref.: 1381

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It is one of the not numerous pre-Mongol madrasah of XI-XII centuries, which was kept until nowadays. There are premise of the mausoleum, mosques and yard ivans (summer-house) round the right-angled yard, from the north to the south. There are two large cupola buildings united with arch Ivan in the north part of the territory. This construction built with burnt bricks (25x25x4 cm.) is known as the Mausoleum of Hodja Mashkhad or "Double Mausoleum". Other parts of the madrasah built of adobe bricks was broken and was excavated. The total territory of the madrasah is (68 x 48 m.) The south façade of the mounument has two round towers in the corner of the cupola building. It was excavated some arch rooms (3,5-4 m.) surrounding the large yard, ivans in the north, east and west sides of the yard. The ivans are 4 m. wide. Brittleness of the adobe bricks is a cause of the destruction of many monument in Tajikistan. That is why the kepts ones made of burnt bricks are of great value. The mausoleum part of the madrasah consist of two building (10,4 x 10,4 m.) they have sphere cupola. The foundations of the cupolas have arch windows fro the south side, and round opening in the keystones of the cupolas. The east mausoleum is earlier (IX-X centuries), it's a typical Central Asia central-cupola building of the early middle ages. Its west and east walls have doors. The west mausoleum has some little differences in detail, such as ornament of the walls.