Painted Churches in the Troodos Region

Multiple Locations (10)
ID Name & Location State Party Coordinates Property Buffer Zone
351-001 Church of Ayios Nikolaos (St. Nicholas) tis Steyis Cyprus N34 58 0.00
E32 52 60.00
2.7548 ha
351-002 Ayios Ionannis (St. John) Lambadhistis Monastery Cyprus N34 58 60.00
E32 49 0.00
0.1951 ha
351-003 Church of Panayia (The Virgin) Phorviotissa (Asinou) Cyprus N35 1 60.00
E32 58 0.00
0.1154 ha
351-004 Church of Panayia (The Virgin) tou Arakou Cyprus N34 58 0.00
E33 0 0.00
0.437 ha
351-005 Church of Panayia (The Virgin) Cyprus N35 0 0.00
E32 49 60.00
0.0353 ha
351-006 Church of Archangelos Michael (Archangel Michael) Cyprus N34 58 0.00
E32 49 0.00
0.0283 ha
351-007 Church of Timios Stavros (Holy Cross) Cyprus N34 52 60.00
E32 58 0.00
0.0533 ha
351-008 Church of Panayia (The Virgin) Podhithou Cyprus N35 0 0.00
E32 52 60.00
0.0212 ha
351-009 Church of Stavros (Holy Cross) Ayiasmati Cyprus N34 58 0.00
E33 1 60.00
0.0184 ha
351bis-010 Church of Ayia Sotira (of the Transfiguration of the Savior) tou Soteros Cyprus N34 55 13.00
E33 5 45.00
0.0342 ha

The Nomination files produced by the States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to facilitate the preparations of comparative analysis by other nominating States Parties.

The sole responsibility for the content of each Nomination file lies with the State Party concerned. The publication of the Nomination file, including the maps and names, does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the World Heritage Committee or of the Secretariat of UNESCO concerning the history or legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its boundaries.