Brâncuși Monumental Ensemble of Târgu Jiu

Brâncuși Monumental Ensemble of Târgu Jiu

Austere, contemplative, yet accessible, the monumental ensemble of Târgu Jiu was created in 1937-1938 by Constantin Brâncuși, an influential pioneer of abstract sculpture, to commemorate those who died defending the city during the First World War. Located in two parks connected by the narrow Avenue of Heroes, the property includes the monumental ensemble of sculptural installations and the pre-existing Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, located on the axis. The remarkable fusion of abstract sculpture, landscape architecture, engineering, and urban planning conceived by Constantin Brâncuși goes far beyond the local wartime episode to offer an original vision of the human condition.

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Ensemble monumental de Brâncuși à Târgu Jiu

À la fois austère, contemplatif et accessible, l’ensemble monumental de Târgu Jiu fut créé en 1937-1938 par Constantin Brâncuși, un influent pionnier de la sculpture abstraite, pour commémorer ceux qui sont morts en défendant la ville pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Situé dans deux parcs reliés par l’étroite avenue des Héros, le bien comprend l’ensemble monumental d’installations sculpturales et l’église préexistante des Saints-Apôtres-Pierre-et-Paul, située dans l’axe. La fusion remarquable de la sculpture abstraite, de l’architecture paysagère, de l’ingénierie et de l’urbanisme conçue par Constantin Brâncuși dépasse largement l’épisode local de la guerre pour offrir une vision originale de la condition humaine.

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المجموعة الضخمة من المنحوتات لبرانكوشي في تارغو جيو

تتسم المجموعة الضخمة من المنحوتات في تارغو جيو بأنها بسيطة بعيدة عن التنميق وتحثُّ على التأمل، غير أنَّ إدراك مغزاها هو في متناول الجميع، وقد نحتها قسطنطين برانكوشي بين عامَي 1937 و1938، وهو رائد مؤثر من رواد النحت التجريدي، وكان الغرض من هذه المجموعة إحياء ذكرى من ماتوا دفاعاً عن المدينة في أثناء الحرب العالمية الأولى. والمجموعة موزَّعة بين حديقتين ترتبطان ببعضهما البعض بواسطة جادة الأبطال الضيقة، ويتضمن هذا الموقع المجموعة الضخمة من المنحوتات وكنيسة الرسولين بطرس وبولس التي كانت قائمة أصلاً على المحور. وقد كان قسطنطين برانكوشي وراء الاندماج المميز بين المنحوتات التجريدية وهندسة المناظر الطبيعية والهندسة والتخطيط الحضري متجاوزاً بقدر كبير حقبة الحرب المحلية ليقدِّم رؤية أصلية للحالة البشرية.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

特尔古日乌(Târgu Jiu)组雕庄严、沉静,却又平易近人。1937至1938年间,著名抽象雕塑先驱康斯坦丁·布朗库西(Constantin Brâncuși)创作了这组雕塑,以纪念在第一次世界大战中为保卫特尔古日乌城而牺牲的烈士。该遗产位于由狭窄的英雄大道连接的两座公园内,包括雕塑装置组,和中轴线上原有的圣使徒皮特和保罗教堂。布朗库西将抽象雕塑、景观设计、工程学及城市规划巧妙融合,使这组艺术作品远远超越当地战争纪念意义,而为观察人类生存状态提供了独特视角。

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Монументальный комплекс Бранкузи в Тыргу-Жиу

Строгий, величественный, но при этом доступный для посетителей монументальный комплекс Тыргу-Жиу был создан в 1937–1938 годах Константином Бранкузи, влиятельным пионером абстрактной скульптуры. Комплекс посвящен памяти тех, кто погиб, защищая город во время Первой мировой войны. Объект, расположенный на территории двух парков, которые соединяет узкий проспект Героев, включает в себя монументальный комплекс скульптурных памятников и построенную ранее Церковь святых апостолов Петра и Павла, которая находится на этой же оси. Этот культурный объект, созданный Константином Бранкузи, представляет собой уникальный сплав произведений абстрактной скульптуры, ландшафтной архитектуры, инженерного искусства и градостроительства. Комплекс является не только памятником военному времени, но и воплощает оригинальное видение человеческого бытия.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Conjunto monumental de Brâncusi en Târgu Jiu

El conjunto monumental de Târgu Jiu, austero, contemplativo, pero accesible, fue creado en 1937-1938 por Constantin Brâncuși, un influyente pionero de la escultura abstracta. Este sitio conmemora a aquellos que murieron defendiendo la ciudad durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. Está ubicado en dos parques conectados por el estrecho “Camino de los Héroes“ y comprende el conjunto monumental de instalaciones escultóricas y la Iglesia de los Santos Apóstoles Pedro y Pablo, situados en el eje. La extraordinaria fusión de escultura abstracta, arquitectura paisajista, ingeniería y urbanismo, concebida por Constantin Brâncuși, va más allá del episodio bélico local, y ofrece una visión original de la condición humana.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

Located in the city of Târgu Jiu on the banks of the river Jiu in the southern sub-Carpathians of Romania, the Brâncuși Monumental Ensemble of Târgu Jiu is aligned in a 1,500-metre-long conceptual axis tangibly represented by the Avenue of Heroes punctuated in its median sector by the pre-existing Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The monumental ensemble comprises the Endless Column in the Park of the Column, as well as the Table of Silence, the Gate of the Kiss, and the benches and the cubed hourglass seats of the Alley of Chairs – all located in the Constantin Brâncuși Park. The monumental complex, erected between the years 1937 and 1938, to commemorate the supreme sacrifice of Romanian soldiers, police and ordinary citizens who died defending the city of Târgu Jiu during the First World War, represents a turning point in the history of monumental sculpture and public art. It is the seminal creation and the sole largescale public work by Romanian sculptor Constantin Brâncuși who, instead of placing the monument in the city, “placed the city as a functional element in the centre of the monument”. The abstract simplicity of the monuments, the integration of monumental art, urban setting and landscape, the contrast between the verticality of the Endless Column and the horizontality of the surrounding park and the modest scale of the built fabric along the processional route of the Avenue of Heroes, the dynamic sequence and harmony of the monumental installations, the different textures of the sculptural works and their high aesthetic qualities demonstrate that the Brâncuși Monumental Ensemble of Târgu Jiu is a creative masterpiece of the 20th-century monumental art which played a key role in the dissemination of site-specific art, installation, landscape and public art.

Criterion (i): The Brâncuşi Monumental Ensemble of Târgu Jiu is an exceptional composition, a fusion of abstract monumental sculpture, landscape design, engineering, and urban installation, offering a highly symbolic sequential commemorative experience and conveying an artistic statement at the urban scale of great, manifold, symbolic, and spiritual artistic force and purity. The combination of the artistic concept, excellence of execution, and engineering realisation of the Endless Column, in particular, contributes to the achievement of one of the most notable monumental public sculptures of the 20th century.

Criterion (ii): The Brâncuşi Monumental Ensemble of Târgu Jiu represents a turning point in the evolution of the 20th century history of monumental art and commemorative architecture. The innovative spatial composition and the abstract language of its elements inspired by Cycladic, African, and Romanian cultures fused with classical architectural elements and spatial compositional features, played a key role in the dissemination of site-specific art, installation, landscape and public art.


The boundaries of the property include all the attributes necessary to convey the Outstanding Universal Value; each element is preserved in its entirety and original locations, and all are included as part of the property. The physical fabric of the property and all its significant attributes are in good condition, and the impact of any potential deterioration processes is under control. The integrity of the conceptual axis of the monumental ensemble, manifested by a physical axis, is preserved through the entirety of designed commemorative urban open space. The property has suffered from some adverse development and neglect. Whilst the Endless Column in its park and the sculptures in the Constantin Brâncuși Park retain high visual integrity, the visual aesthetics of the Avenue of Heroes have been negatively affected by past urban development. This is to be assessed in the light of the urban breadth of this monumental artwork and how elements of the existing urban fabric and of the landscape were integrated into the composition. Some undesirable characteristics are reversible to a certain extent, whilst in other cases mitigation measures have been implemented and planned.


The property, with its attributes, bears witness to a revolutionary approach to sculpture. For Constantin Brâncuși, sculpture is the language of content rather than the language of forms, and the Brâncuși Monumental Ensemble of Târgu Jiu is the synthesis of his entire oeuvre. The attributes of the monumental ensemble remain in their original location and, through their form and design, materials, craftsmanship – including techniques of implementation and installation, convey credibly and powerfully how the property represents the synthesis of the entire oeuvre of Constantin Brâncuși. The commemorative function of the monumental ensemble gained new strength with the involvement of local administration over the past years. The artistic and recreational function of the monumental ensemble were firmly a part of its original concept and one often uppermost in the minds of the general visitor.

Protection and management requirements

The property and its buffer zone enjoy the highest level of regional and national protection, provided by the List of Historical Monuments, annexed to the Order of the Minister of Culture no. 2.828/2015 for the updating of annex 1 of the Order of the Minister of Culture and Cults no. 2.314/2004 regarding the approval of the List of Historical Monuments, updated, and of the List of Lost Historical Monuments, with further updates, from 24.12.2015, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 113 bis, 15.02.2016. Legal protection is ensured by Law 422/2001 for the protection of historical monuments and by Law 564/2001 for the approval of the Ordinance of the Government of Romania no. 47/2000 regarding the protection measures of historical monuments inscribed on the World Heritage List. The Zoning Plan for the Protected Built Area of the Brâncuși Monumental Ensemble and its by-law approved by the City Council of Târgu Jiu in 2014 provide measures for protection and conservation of the property and its setting, and regulates urban development.

The Municipality of Târgu Jiu is responsible for the management of the property through the Constantin Brâncuși Research, Documentation and Promotion Centre, with a publicly appointed manager. The Protection and Management Plan of the property, developed by the Municipality of Târgu Jiu and approved by the Local Council in 2014, was updated in 2019. Long-term challenges for the protection and management of the property relate principally to its buffer zone and to its setting, where new development in the immediate urban context will be controlled by values-based planning policies.