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World Heritage Convention

Decision 45 COM 5C
Priority Africa: a Strategy for World Heritage

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/5C,
  2. Recalling Decision 44 COM 5C adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021), in which the World Heritage Centre was requested to present a progress report on Priority Africa in line with the Medium-Term Strategy 2022-2029 and Programme and Budget for 2022-2025,
  3. Also recalling Decisions 44 COM 10A, and 44 COM 10B adopted at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021),
  4. Notes with appreciation the continued efforts of the UNESCO Member States and the adoption of the Operational Strategy for Priority Africa 2022-2029, and in particular, its Flagship Programme 3 on “Fostering Cultural Heritage and Capacity Development”, for the conservation and management of the unique biodiversity and rich cultural heritage of Africa that must be transmitted to future generations, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union’s Agenda 2063;
  5. Expresses its appreciation for the activities undertaken by the World Heritage Centre along with UNESCO Field Offices, the Advisory Bodies, the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF), and other partners in developing the Strategy for World Heritage in Africa, and to all those involved in the consultation process and the working group;
  6. Endorses the Strategy for World Heritage in Africa as an implementation plan of Main Objective 1 of Flagship Programme 3 of the Operational Strategy for Priority Africa 2022-2029 composed of three guiding principles, five pillars and seven priorities identified by the States Parties following a broader consultation process that involved African States Parties, national focal points, World Heritage site managers and experts;
  7. Encourages States Parties to appropriate the Strategy for World Heritage in Africa in line with the Regional Action Plans into their national, subregional and regional heritage strategies, and aligned with the results of the reflections during the celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of the 1972 Convention in Yaoundé (Cameroon) (‘Yaoundé Call to Action’) and in Delphi (Greece) and requests the World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, with the support of all partners to support States Parties in its implementation;
  8. Thanks the Governments of China, Flanders (Belgium), France, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, the Sultanate of Oman and the European Union for their financial support to implement activities that will contribute to meeting the targets of the Strategy for World Heritage in Africa and encourages other States Parties to contribute financially to its implementation;
  9. Recognizes that the Strategy for World Heritage in Africa needs to be fully funded and requests the Secretariat to fundraise resources required for the implementation of the Strategy;
  10. Calls upon the entire international community, including the Group of Friends for Priority Africa, to provide support to African States Parties in the implementation of the Strategy for World Heritage in Africa and of Flagship Programme 3, and to attain its targets, notably:
    1. to assist 12 African States Parties not yet represented on the World Heritage List in developing a nomination (see footnote 9 of the Strategy),
    2. to provide support to properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger in establishing a Desired state of conservation for their removal from this list (DSOCR),
    3. to increase the number of African heritage experts working in the World Heritage system and enhance the role of African universities to be involved in World Heritage processes,
    4. to operationalize the pan-African network of site managers,
    5. to develop projects on entrepreneurship and the use of new and innovative technologies,

    and welcomes the commitment and support of the AWHF to assist the African States Parties to this end;

  11. Requests the World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with IUCN, ICOMOS, ICCROM, the UNESCO Chairs and UNESCO category 2 centres related to World Heritage and other capacity building partners, to implement the Strategy for World Heritage in Africa and the implementation of Main Objective 1 of Flagship Programme 3, and prepare a progress report towards this end in line with the Medium-Term Strategy 2022-2029 and Programme and Budget for 2022-2025 for examination by the Committee at its 46th session.