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World Heritage Convention

Decision 45 COM 10A
Report on the results of the Third Cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise in Asia-Pacific

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined document WHC/23/45.COM/10A,
  2. Recalling Decisions 41 COM 10A, 43 COM 10B and 44 COM 10D adopted at its 41st (Krakow, 2017), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively;
  3. Notes with satisfaction that the overwhelming majority of States Parties in the Asia and the Pacific region participated in the completion and submission of Section I (State Party level) and Section II (World Heritage property level) of the Periodic Reporting questionnaire;
  4. Acknowledges that the region of Asia and the Pacific was the first to undergo the Periodic Reporting exercise entirely online due to the global sanitary situation, and thanks the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies, Category 2 Centres, the UNESCO Field Offices and in the region for adapting the training and accompaniment throughout the exercise in line with new engagement modalities;
  5. Notes with satisfaction that a number of States Parties organised national meetings of Periodic Reporting stakeholders at different stages of the reporting process, and thanks the States Parties in the region for their flexibility and dedication throughout the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting exercise in Asia and the Pacific, and especially the national Focal Points and World Heritage site managers for their commitment and active participation;
  6. Thanks the State Party of the Republic of Korea, through its Cultural Heritage Administration, for its contributions towards supporting the implementation of the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting in the region of Asia and the Pacific via the UNESCO/Republic of Korea Funds-in-Trust mechanism;
  7. Welcomes with satisfaction the Third Cycle Regional Report for the Asia and the Pacific region and encourages all States Parties to widely disseminate its main outcomes among all relevant stakeholders in the region;
  8. Endorses the Third Cycle Regional Framework Action Plan developed in cooperation with all States Parties and other heritage stakeholders in the region and notes with satisfaction that the priorities align with those set out in the Declaration unanimously adopted at the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT 2022 (Mexico City, September 2022) and the reflections undertaken at the international conference “The Next 50 - The Future of World Heritage in Challenging Times, Enhancing Resilience and Sustainability” (Delphi, November 2022);
  9. Encourages States Parties to appropriate the Regional Framework Action Plan into their national and sub-regional heritage strategies and policies, and requests UNESCO, in collaboration with the Category 2 Centres, the Advisory Bodies and other partners, to support States Parties in its implementation;
  10. Notes that the Republic of Korea has approved, under its Funds-in-Trust at UNESCO, an extra-budgetary project to be coordinated by the World Heritage Centre on transboundary heritage in the region and beyond, as a follow-up of the main priorities identified through the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting, invites the Advisory Bodies and other relevant technical partners to provide advisory services and participate in the activities associated with this project, and also encourages all interested Donors to support activities that are in line with the priorities and activities identified in the Framework Action Plan by making dedicated funding available to the World Heritage Centre and the UNESCO Field Offices;
  11. Encourages States Parties in the region to initiate regular meetings at the regional and/or sub-regional level to ensure continuous implementation and monitoring of the Regional Framework Action Plan, and invites States Parties and other relevant stakeholders to support such efforts;
  12. Takes note of the possible publication of a World Heritage Papers Series volume dedicated to the Third Periodic Report for the Asia and the Pacific region, if the financial situation permits, and encourages States Parties to make financial contributions available at the World Heritage Centre for this purpose;
  13. Requests the UNESCO World Heritage Centre to monitor the implementation of the Framework Action Plan for Asia and the Pacific in view of preparing a mid-cycle assessment report after 3 years.
Decision Code
45 COM 10A
Periodic Reporting