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World Heritage Convention

Resolution 6 GA 14-21
Elections to the World Heritage Committee

14. The General Assembly was called on to elect seven Members of the World Heritage Committee to replace the following seven Members whose term of office was due to expire at the end of the twenty-fourth session of the General Conference : Brazil, Cyprus, Germany (Federal Republic of), Guinea, Jordan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Zaire.

15. The list-of States Parties which had submitted their candidature was read out before the Assembly. Argentina, the Fede­ral Republic of Germany and the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya withdrew their candidatures. The delegate of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya stated that his country was withdrawing its candidature in fa­vour of Jordan. The delegate of the Federal Republic of Germany explained that his country was withdrawing its candidature be­cause it was very impressed by the candidatures of the United Kingdom and of the United States of America which were thus showing their will to participate in the work of the committee. In conformity with Article 16, paragraph 5 of the Convention, the list of candidates was limited to those States Parties which had paid their contributions to the World Heritage Fund up to and including for 1986. The following States Parties were declared candidates: Brazil, Cuba, France, Guinea, Haiti, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Mali, Pakistan, Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Tunisia and Yugoslavia.

16. On the decision of the Chairman, the elections took place by secret ballot. The delegates of Nepal and New Zealand were appointed tellers.

17. The results of the vote which were announced by the Chairman were as follows :

First ballot

Number of States Parties voting                                                                       96

Number of States absent                                                                                  28

Number of abstentions                                                                             0

Number of invalid ballot papers                                                                 2

Number of votes recorded                                                                                66

Number of votes constituting a majority to be elected.                                 34

States obtaining the required majority of votes :

United States of America                                                                        45

Brazil                                                                                                     41

France                                                                                                   41

Tunisia                                                                                                   39

Pakistan                                                                                                 38

Italy                                                                                                       36

The Chairman declared elected to the World Heritage Com­mittee after the first ballot the following States Parties : Brazil, France, Italy, Pakistan, Tunisia, the United States of America.

18. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, the second bal­lot was to be limited to those States which had obtained the greatest number of votes, provided that the number of States did not exceed twice the number of seats remaining to be fil­led. Among the remaining candidates, Cuba and the United Kingdom had obtained the greatest number of votes. A second ballot limited to these two States was thus held.

19. The delegates of Lebanon and Senegal were appointed tellers.

20. The results of the vote which were announced by the Chairman were as follows :

Second ballot :

Number of States Parties voting                                                                       96

Number of States absent                                                                                  30

Number of abstentions                                                                                       0

Number of invalid ballot papers                                                                        2

Number of votes recorded                                                                                 64

Number of votes constituting a majority to be elected                                        33

Votes obtained :

Cuba                                                                                                      33

United Kingdom                                                                                      31

The Chairman declared Cuba elected to the World Heritage Committee after the second ballot.

21. After the elections, several delegates declared that, without putting into question the results of the voting, it was possible to note a lack of balance in the distribution of seats to the different geographical groups. The Chairman was asked to see to it that the procedures for the election of the Committee Members be reviewed in order to ensure the universal and cultural representation within the Committee foreseen by the Convention.

Summary Record
Context of Resolution