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World Heritage Convention

Resolution 12 GA 54-55
Other business (item 10)

54. The Director of the Centre tabled document WHC-99/CONF.206/INF.7, and referred to the decision of the twenty-third session of the Bureau to submit the following draft resolution concerning the Centre’s needs and resources to the twelfth General Assembly for it to take note.

55. The General Assembly took note of the draft resolution addressed to the Director-General.

«The Bureau of the World Heritage Committee

Noting that the true nature of the functioning of the Convention concerning the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage implies a regular growth in the annual activities relating to its implementation.

Pointing out that the staff of the World Heritage Centre who ensures the Secretariat of this Convention are funded by UNESCO, as well as its operating costs,

Considering that the resources of the World Heritage Centre, notably its staff, have to respond on a regular basis to the workload resulting from its functions relating to the Convention,

Reaffirming the interest of all States Parties to the Convention for its efficient implementation, in conformity with the undertakings of the General Conference of UNESCO and its Director-General,

Taking note of all the efforts already undertaken by the Director-General of UNESCO to secure the necessary resources,


  1. Requests the Director-General of UNESCO

a) to request the General Conference of UNESCO, during its approval of the Programme and Budget for 2000-2001 of the Organization, to take into consideration the needs and resources of the World Heritage Centre so that it may ensure the implementation of the Convention for the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage,

b) to take the above into consideration during the implementation of the approved Budget and Programme.

2.   Expresses the wish that the States Parties support the need to reinforce the working capacity of the World Heritage Centre to the Executive Board and the General Conference of UNESCO."

Resolution Code
12 GA 54-55
Administration, Budget
Summary Record of the 12th General Assembly of States Parties
Context of Resolution