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World Heritage Convention

Decision 25 BUR V.223-226
Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian (China)

V.223     The Bureau, recalling the recommendations of the Joint ICOMOS-ICCROM Reactive Monitoring Mission undertaken in September 1999, adopted by the Bureau at its twenty-third extraordinary session, noted that the State Party had not transmitted information concerning the implementation of the short and long-term actions for the sustainable conservation and development of the site. The Centre has since received numerous independent reports expressing alarm over the state of conservation of the site, particularly in Locality 1 and other excavated caves. Recently, the Centre was informed that the site-museum had been temporarily closed due to financial constraints.

V.224     The Delegate of Morocco underscored the importance of recognizing both the natural and cultural heritage values of the site and suggested that further scientific examination of the human remains and geological strata be undertaken. The site represented important quartenary periods and so it was important to look at the human remains in relation to the geomorphology of the site.  The Delegate of Australia, emphasizing the cultural significance of the property, expressed his Government’s willingness to strengthen regional co-operation through joint efforts within the framework of the Asia-Pacific Focal Point to enhance conservation of the site.

V.225     ICOMOS reported on an e-mail message just received from the State Party.  This reported on a recent appeal launched by the Chinese Academy of Sciences that has resulted in a private-donor contribution of approximately US$122,000 for the conservation and development of this site. Moreover, ICOMOS was informed that the State Administration of Cultural Heritage has announced its commitment to make available financial resources for the conservation and management of this World Heritage site.

V.226     In light of the information just received by ICOMOS, the Bureau commended the State Party for taking efforts to safeguard the site.

Decision Code
25 BUR V.223-226
States Parties 1
State of conservation reports
2001 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian
Context of Decision