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World Heritage Convention

Decision 22 BUR V.A.9
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (India)

The Bureau recalled the fact that the Committee, at its last session, had noted that the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) of India and the State Government of Assam had begun implementing a 2-3 year rehabilitation plan at a total estimated cost of US$ 2,135,000 of which US$ 235,000 had been requested by the State Party as emergency assistance from the World Heritage Fund. The Committee was satisfied with the use of the first instalment of US$ 75,000, approved by the Bureau at its twenty-first session in June 1997. This was used for the purchase of three vehicles, two boats and 55 wireless communication sets. At its last session it approved a second instalment of US$ 90,000, under emergency assistance, to cover costs of two wooden fibre boats, 400 sets of patrolling gear and construction of buildings to serve as ranger stations and provide for staff housing within the Park. The Bureau noted that the implementation of the rehabilitation plan, despite delays in construction activities caused by an earlier than normal on-set of the monsoons, was proceeding satisfactorily and conditions for the conservation and management of the site were improving.

The Bureau requested the Centre and IUCN to continue to monitor the implementation of the rehabilitation plan and submit a progress report to the twenty-second session of the Committee in November-December 1998, on the use of US$ 90,000 approved by the Committee at its last session in Naples. It recommended that the Committee retain this site on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

Decision Code
22 BUR V.A.9
States Parties 1
State of conservation reports
1998 Manas Wildlife Sanctuary
Context of Decision