a) Mosque of the Omayyades
After having taken note of the report of the Secretariat on the Mosque of the Omayyades in the Ancient City of Damascus, the Bureau thanked the Syrian authorities for having halted the work which was threatening the authenticity of the monument and renewed the invitation which had been made by the Committee at its twentieth session to provide all possible advice of national and international experts to decide upon future action to be undertaken
b) Tekiya Souleymaniah
After having taken note of the report of the Secretariat on the situation at the Tekiya Souleymaniah in the Ancient City of Damascus, and the letter dated 21 June from the Direction of Antiquities and Museums, the Bureau thanked the authorities of the Arab Republic of Syria to have halted the calls for tender for foundation work at the monument and asked them to keep the Committee informed of the results of the additional scientific and technical studies.