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World Heritage Convention

Decision 6 COM XVIII.53-59
Other business

53. The Committee took note of recommendation No. 16 concerning the World Heritage Convention which was adapted by the World National Parks Congress (Bali, 11-22 October 1982). It approved the suggestion made to Unesco to launch international campaigns for the protection of the natural heritage which would be similar to those which are currently under way for the preservation of the cultural heritage.

54. The Committee took note of recommendation No. 45 adopted by the World Conference on Cultural Policies (Mexico City, 26 July - 6 August 1982) in which the Conference "expresses the hope that the World Heritage Committee will take the initiative of including the Mediterranean in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List".

55. Following a proposal made by IUCN, the Committee commended and encouraged efforts under way in the United States of America to develop improved water release and delivery plans affecting Everglades National Park, a world heritage site, which will more closely approximate natural, cyclic conditions. These efforts will further assure continued integrity of the site as well as long-term recovery for this world-famous ecosystem.

56. The representative of ICOMOS presented to the Committee the study undertaken by ICOMOS on the heritage of the Jesuit missions in North and South America. The Committee noted that some of these missions would be nominated jointly to the World Heritage List by Argentina and Brazil. Another joint nomination to be made by these two States concerned Iguazu National Park.

57. As concerns the meeting place for its next session, the Committee noted with gratitude the intention expressed by the delegate of Italy of inviting the Committee to hold its next meeting in Italy. The delegate of Cyprus informed the Committee that the authorities of his country have the intention of inviting the Committee to hold one of its future sessions in Cyprus and that they were considering inviting the Committee in 1985, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Antiquities Department. The delegate of Bulgaria stated that her Government would also like to host one of the future sessions of the Committee. The Rapporteur also referred to the wish of the Tunisian authorities to invite the Committee to hold one of its meetings in Tunisia; however, since the term of office of Tunisia on the Committee was due to expire at the end of the 22nd session of the Unesco General Conference to be held in October/November 1983, the Tunisian authorities could not issue an invitation at this stage.

58. The delegate of Guinea, speaking on behalf of the members of the Committee, expressed his appreciation for the admirable way in which Professor Slatyer, due to his wisdom, tranquil force and perfect knowledge of the problems of nature conservation, had chaired the sixth session of the Committee. The delegate also paid tribute to the enthusiasm and dynamism of Mr. Beschaouch, the Rapporteur of the Committee.

59. Following an expression of thanks to all those who had contributed to the smooth running of the meeting, the Vice- Chairman from Bulgaria, acting as Chairman, declared the meeting closed.

Report of the rapporteur