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Décision 5 COM VII.13-14
Propositions d'inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial

[Uniquement en anglais]

13. The Committee examined one by one the nominations of those properties which the Bureau had recommended for inclusion on the World Heritage List. In each case, the Committee took note of the comments of the representatives of ICOMOS and/or IUCN, who had made an evaluation of each property in relation to the criteria for inscription. The Committee also noted, for each case, the point of view of the Bureau as presented by the Rapporteur.

14. The Chairman informed the Committee that he had received a letter from an Australian non-governmental organization asking to address the Committee on one nomination and to provide material to the Committee concerning the Australian site in question. On the recommendation of the Bureau, the Committee decided that such groups would not be authorized to address the Committee direct nor to circulate material in the meeting room and that they should be requested to contact their national delegations.

Rapport du rapporteur