The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-07/31.COM/7B,
2. Recalling Decision 30 COM 7B.79, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006),
3. Acknowledges the progress made to improve the level of legal protection for World Heritage properties in Castilla y Leon so as to ensure that the values and integrity be better conserved and repetition of similar threats to the integrity and authenticity of the World Heritage property be avoided in the future;
4. Notes that the State Party has submitted detailed maps presenting the boundaries of the property and its buffer zones, and is preparing a proposal to modify these in order to give greater coherence to the property;
5. Also notes that the State Party has now presented a time-frame for the creation of an integrated management plan for the property and has indicated that, in developing this plan, it will take fully into account the “Vienna Memorandum on World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture, Managing the Historic Urban Landscape" (2005);
6. Urges the State Party to ensure that all stakeholders, including the local community, are encouraged to take part in the consultation process for the integrated management plan for the property;
7. Requests the State Party to submit a progress report and the draft integrated management plan to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2010 for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 34th session in 2010.