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Décision 22 EXT.BUR V.3
[Uniquement en anglais] Requests for international assistance - Cultural heritage

[Uniquement en anglais]


Brazil (Specialized course on Integrated Territorial and Urban Conservation – Brazil programme ITUC 1999-2000) - US$ 49,900

The outgoing Bureau recommended the approval of US$ 49,000 by the Committee.

China (Training programme for site managers of World Heritage Cities in China – Consolidation of the International Conference for Mayors of Historic Cities in China and the European Union) - US$ 35,000

The outgoing Bureau recommended the approval of US$ 35,000 by the Committee. ICCROM announced its full support and availability to actively participate to further develop the programme of this activity.

The Bureau, appreciating the initiatives taken by the Chinese Government to address the problems faced in the preservation of urban historical fabric in the context of rapid urban development in Asia, strongly supported this request.

The Bureau recommended that the Committee may wish to request the State Party to strengthen the proposed programme by increasing links between ICCROM’s ITUC programme and this training exercise, as proposed by ICCROM in their evaluation of the request.

Furthermore, the Bureau recommended that the Committee request the State Party to give sufficient attention to follow-up after the training activity.

Colombia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Panama (Training in underwater archaeology) - US$ 59,838

The outgoing Bureau recommended that the Committee request the States Parties to reformulate the request, so that the project proposed was relevant to the implementation of the World Heritage Convention.

Furthermore, it encouraged the State Party to utilize the network of existing international organizations and institutions specializing in underwater heritage conservation, and to consider the possibility of extending the target audience quantitatively and geographically.  

Lebanon (Training Programme of Conservators-Restorers in the field of Mural Paintings at the World Heritage sites of Lebanon) - US$ 60,000

The outgoing Bureau recommended the approval of US$ 60,000 by the Committee, requesting the State Party to conduct the activity at a subregional level, including participants from the Syrian Arab Republic and Jordan.

Russian Federation (International training workshop for World Heritage cultural site managers from Eastern and Central Europe) - US$ 40,000

The outgoing Bureau recommended the approval of US$ 40,000 by the Committee, subject to the agreement by the State Party to co-operate closely with ICCROM for developing the curriculum and widening the scope of themes to be addressed, to include new modules of conservation management.


Brazil (Restoration of the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Congonhas) - US$ 32,574

The outgoing Bureau recommended approval of US$ 32,574 by the Committee.

Cuba (Rescue and preservation activities of La Estrella Fortress and of Smith (Gramma) Key at the San Pedro de la  Roca Castle, Santiago de Cuba) - US$ 50,000

The outgoing Bureau recommended approval of US$ 50,000 by the Committee.

Egypt (Rehabilitation programme for Islamic Cairo) - US$ 200,000 (US$ 600,000 oveer three years)

The outgoing Bureau recommended approval of US$ 120,000 by the Committee, subject to the State Party agreeing to report on the progress made in each phase of the implementation of the programme to the Committee, and subject to the State Party agreeing to contribute an equal amount of funds for the first year.

Ghana (Documentation research for Forts and Castles of Ghana) - US$ 40,000

The outgoing Bureau recommended approval of US$ 40,000 by the Committee, considering the importance of documenting historical data and iconographic material for enhanced management and conservation of the Forts and Castles of Ghana.

However, the Bureau recommended approval of this grant, subject to the : 

(i) Terms of Reference for the international consultant explicitly including a preliminary mission to Ghana to develop proper policies for compilation, storage, handling and conservation of the collection, and;

(ii) World Heritage Centre ascertaining that there are trained staff members at GMMB who would be assigned to the Documentation Centre.

Peru (Emergency measures at the Lines and Geoglyphes of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana) - US$ 50,000

The outgoing Bureau recommended approval of US$ 50,000 by the Committee.

Philippines (GIS for mapping the Rice Terraces of the Philippines, and for strengthening enhanced management) - US$ 131,846

The outgoing Bureau recommended approval of US$ 50,000 by the Committee for the purchase of computer equipment through the UNESCO Equipment Unit, and for partially funding the international expert services, subject to the authorities of the Philippines securing funds from other international agencies or donors such as UNDP.

The Bureau recommended that the Committee requests the UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region and the UNESCO Representative in Jakarta to assist the authorities of the Philippines in mobilizing such funds from other sources.  

Syrian Arab Republic (Conservation Projects for the Ancient City of Damascus) - US$ 50,000

The outgoing Bureau recommended approval of US$ 30,000 by the Committee on the condition that the State Party submits detailed information concerning the budget breakdown.

Turkey (Conservation work of the mosaics of Hagia Sophia) - US$ 100,000 (US$ 250,000 over two years)

The outgoing Bureau recommended approval of US$ 50,000 by the Committee, representing the last contribution for the conservation works for the mosaics of the Hagia Sophia.

Contexte de la Décision
Assistance Internationale 13