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World Heritage Convention

Decision 35 COM 8B.27
Cultural Properties - Yapese Stone Money Sites in Palau and Yap (Palau / Micronesia)

The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined Documents WHC-11/35.COM/8B and WHC-11/35.COM/INF.8B1,

2. Defers the examination of the nomination of Yapese Stone Money Sites in Palau and Yap, Palau and Micronesia, to the World Heritage List in order to allow the States Parties to:

a) Further justify the selection of sites by deepening the comparative analysis with sites in Yap and Palau and consideration of criterion (vi),

b) Further justify the Outstanding Universal Value of the property by deepening the comparative analysis to include similar sites in the Pacific region,

c) Develop a common structure of management in accordance with paragraphs114 and 135 of the Operational Guidelines,

d) Develop Memoranda of Understanding between government agencies and traditional/customary owners on the protection, conservation and management of the nominated sites,

e) Confirm registration of the Yap sites under The Federated States of Micronesia Code, Title 26 (Historical Sites and Antiquities) and on the Historic Properties Register of Yap State;

3. Recommends that the States Parties consider seeking international assistance with revision of the nomination in accordance with paragraph 235 (b) and paragraph 241 Preparatory Assistance (iii) of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention;

4. Considers that any revised nomination would need to be considered by an expert mission to the site;

5. Also recommends that the States Parties give consideration to the following:

a) Complete the inventories of sites in both Palau and Yap as a high priority to provide a context for the nominated sites,

b) Undertake an inventory and typology of the stone money discs that are part of the nominated sites as the basis for an adequate monitoring system, and to enable a chronology to be established,

c) Undertake a survey and inventory of all attributes including traditional structures as a basis for research,

d) Document and archive the cultural tradition of the layout of the discs and the rituals associated with the money bank and dancing grounds for the benefit of future generations,

e) Develop a risk preparedness and management strategy to deal with storm damage,

f) Set-up a strategy to deal with tourism-related factors such as inadequately controlled and unsafe access, and waste-management,

g) Develop a process whereby monitoring results will be considered and acted upon through the joint Management Committee.

Decision Code
35 COM 8B.27
Inscriptions on the World Heritage List
Decisions Adopted by the Word Heritage Committee at its 35th Session (UNESCO, 2011)
Context of Decision