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Decision 13 COM XIII.38-39.A
Requests for International Assistance: Technical Cooperation

38. The Committee noted that the Bureau had examined in detail the requests for international assistance presented in document SC-89/CONF.004/7. The Committee also took into consideration that the Bureau had incorporated additional information received by the Secretariat since the preparation of this document into its evaluation.

39. In accordance with the procedures for granting international assistance set out in the Operational Guidelines adopted by the Committee in December 1988, the Committee approved the following requests:

A. Technical Cooperation

1. Galapagos National Park (Ecuador): US$59,500
Purchase of 2 motor-boats and spare parts and repair and maintenance costs

2. Archaeological site of Epidaurus (Greece): US$65,400
Purchase of stereopantograph

3. Kathmandu Valley (Nepal): US$14,000
Work and equipment for restoration of roof of the Patan Temple

4. Royal Chitwan National Park (Nepal) US$50,000
Public awareness programmes and development of an educational and interpretative centre in Royal Chitwan National Park
The Committee at its next session may wish to consider additional amounts for this project on the basis of a progress report on the status of implementation of the project in 1990.

5. Wieliczka Salt Mine (Poland): US$45,000
Urgent work for consolidating the foundation and the protection of the site
The Committee noted that during a mission in May 1989 by American experts, commissioned by President Bush, with a view to preserving the site of Cracow, an evaluation had been conducted at the same time on Wieliczka Salt Mine. A project had been developed to address the serious humidity problem. A copy of the project had been submitted to the Secretariat.

6. Serengeti National Park (Tanzania): US$30,000
Upon receipt and approval by the Secretariat of a revised proposal for the purchase of a film-van and accessories.