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World Heritage Convention

Decision 17 COM XVII.1-4
Date and Place of the Eighteenth Session of the Bureau and the World Heritage Committee

XVII.1 The Committee decided that the eighteenth session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 4 to 9 July 1994. The Committee adopted the provisional agenda for the eighteenth session of the Bureau as outlined in Document WHC­93/CONF.002/12 with an additional agenda item "International Assistance Projects, Reporting and Evaluation".

XVII.2 The Delegate of Thailand transmitted the invitation by the Royal Government of Thailand to host the eighteenth session of the Committee in Thailand. The Representative of the Director-General thanked Thailand for this generous invitation. The Director expressed his thanks and underlined that, however, a formal agreement following the decisions of the General Conference had to be worked out. The next session of the Committee will be held from 12 to 18 December 1994.

XVII.3 Several members of the Committee expressed their gratitude for the kind invitation by Thailand.

XVII.4 The German Delegation informed the Committee of the intention of the German Government to host the nineteenth session of the Committee in a World Heritage site in Germany, provided that sufficient funding is available. The Committee welcomed this initiative.

Decision Code
17 COM XVII.1-4
Working methods and tools
Report of the Rapporteur
Context of Decision