Capacity Building
Credibility of the World Heritage ...
Inscriptions on the World Heritage ...
International Assistance
List of World Heritage in Danger
Operational Guidelines
Outstanding Universal Value
Periodic Reporting
Reinforced Monitoring
Tentative Lists
Working methods and tools
World Heritage Convention

Decision 28 COM 24
Adoption of the provisional agenda

The World Heritage Committee,

1. Decides to adopt the following provisional agenda for its 29th session : 29th session of the World Heritage Committee Durban, South Africa (2005) Opening Session

1. Opening Session
1.1 Opening of the session by the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee
1.2 Introduction by the Director-General of UNESCO or his representative 1.3 Welcome by the Host Country
2. Requests for Observer status
3. Adoption of the Agenda Reports
4. Report of the Rapporteur of the 7th extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee (Paris, 6-11 December 2004)
5. Report of the World Heritage Centre on its activities and on the implementation of the Decisions of the World Heritage Committee Administrative and Financial Matters
6. International Assistance:
6A Examination of International Assistance requests
6B Follow-up to the evaluation of the Emergency Assistance and evaluation of the other components of the International Assistance
7. Progress report on the execution of the Budget 2004-2005 and follow-up to the recommendations concerning the administrative and financial issues of the Audit of the World Heritage Centre undertaken in 1997
8. Presentation of the World Heritage Fund and Budget 2006 - 2007 Examination of the State of Conservation
9. Examination of the State of Conservation of World Heritage properties
9A State of conservation of properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger
9B State of conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List
10. Establishment of the World Heritage List and the List of World Heritage in Danger
10A Tentative Lists of States Parties submitted as of 15 May 2005 in conformity with the Operational Guidelines
10B Nominations of properties to the World Heritage List Progress Reports of Periodic Reporting
11. Presentation of the Periodic Report for North America and Part I of Europe (2005) and Follow-Up to Regional Programmes
11A Presentation of the Periodic Report for North America and Part I of Europe (2005) Progress Report on Periodic Reporting
11B Progress Report on the preparation of the Periodic Report for Europe Part II (2006)
11C Progress Report on the protection of the Palestinian Natural and Cultural Heritage Closing Session
12. Election of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteurs
13. Provisional Agenda of the 30th session of the World Heritage Committee (June - July 2006)
14. Other business
15. Adoption of Decisions
16. Closure of the session

Decision Code
28 COM 24
Working methods and tools
Decisions of the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee