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World Heritage Convention

Decision 23 COM VIII.A.1
Península Valdés (Argentina)

Property: Península Valdés

Id. N°: 937

State Party: Argentina

Criteria: N (iv)

The Committee decided to inscribe Peninsula Valdés on the World Heritage List under criterion (iv).

Peninsula Valdés contains very important and significant natural habitats for the in-situ conservation of several threatened species of outstanding universal value, and specifically its globally important concentration of breeding southern right whales, which is an endangered species. It is also important because of the breeding populations of southern elephant seals and southern sea lions. The area exhibits an exceptional example of adaptation of hunting techniques by the orca to the local coastal conditions.

The Committee commended the government of the Province of Chubut for promoting the preparation of an Integrated Collaborative Management Plan for this site. The Committee recommended that the State Party, along with responsible regional and local bodies should: (a) ensure that effective controls are in place over any possible pollution threat from the town of Puerto Madryn to the waters of Golfo Nuevo, (b) support the efforts of the relevant authorities to secure the equipment needed to respond quickly to any oil hazard from passing shipping so as to protect the marine conservation values of the area; (c) produce a tourism management plan as an integral element of the overall management plan; (d) encourage implementation of the Integrated Collaborative Management Plan, and in particular to ensure that farmers and other private owners of land can play a full part in the development of environmentally responsible tourism; and (e) work at the international level to ensure that the marine mammals concerned are protected throughout their range.

Decision Code
Inscriptions on the World Heritage List
States Parties 1
Properties 1
Report of the rapporteur
Context of Decision