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World Heritage Convention

245 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Session: 27COM 2003
By Year
The World Heritage Committee [11], 1. Notes the report provided by the State Party and the positive development of the Constitutional Court ruling related to the adoption, legitimacy and implementation of the Landscape Territorial Plan; 2. Welcomes the State Party's intention to close the pumice quarries;3. Expresses concern about the status of the requests for opening of a new pumice stone quarry and the extension of four existing quarries within the World Heritage property; 4. Requests the State Party to keep the World Heritage Centre and IUCN informed about the developments related to ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalls the recommendation of the report of the monitoring mission in 2001 to include the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger,2. Regrets that the Russian authorities did not provide the report requested by 1 February 2003 (26 COM 21 (b) 19) until 20 May 2003;3. Further regrets that the high-level meeting called for by the Committee (26 COM 21(b) 19) did not take place, and reiterates its request to the State Party to convene this meeting in consultation with the World Heritage Centre and IUCN and calls on it to do so as soon as possible;4. ...
Sites: Lake Baikal
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Welcomes the State Party's co-operation with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/Global Environment Facility (GEF) in an effort to conserve and protect the Volcanoes of Kamchatka World Heritage property; 2. Commends the State Party for beginning to implement Phase I of the project;3. Regrets that the Russian authorities did not provide the report requested by 1 February 2003 (26 COM 21 (b) 20) until 20 May 2003;4. Welcomes the invitation by the State Party for an IUCN and UNESCO mission to visit the property in spring 2004, to provide a report in ...
The World Heritage Committee [12], 1. Notes the results of the UNESCO/IUCN mission to Giant's Causeway and Causeway Coast (United Kingdom);2. Acknowledges the additional comments by the authorities on the mission report; 3. Commends the State Party for preparing "The Causeway Coast Area of Natural Beauty (AONB) management plan" as well as for the proposal to develop the World Heritage Property Management Plan by February 2004;4. Encourages the State Party to work towards a consistent plan in co-operation with all relevant stakeholders;5. Requests the submission to the World ...
The World Heritage Committee [13],1. Recalls that the State Party was to implement, as a matter of urgency, the 1995 Management Plan for this property, with provision for its on-going improvement (based on input received and lessons learnt);2. Requests the State Party to provide a copy of the management plan to the World Heritage Centre by 1 February 2004 in order that the World Heritage Committee can examine the state of conservation of the property at its 28th session in 2004. [13]  Decision adopted following written amendments proposed by the State ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalls its request for a UNESCO/IUCN joint mission to prepare a status report on the property in time for its 27th session in 2003 (25 COM VIII.5);2. Regrets that the Brazilian authorities did not invite the mission prior to its 27th session;3. Encourages the State Party of Brazil to co-operate with the State Party of Argentina towards the joint management of the two World Heritage properties;4. Welcomes the invitation by the State Party for a UNESCO/IUCN joint mission in time to provide a report taking into account all issues in order that the World ...
Le Comité du patrimoine mondial [14], 1. Demande à l'Etat partie du Panama de rendre compte au Centre du patrimoine mondial et à l'UICN d'ici le 1er février 2004 des mesures prises en ce qui concerne la déforestation illégale et la proposition de construction d'une route afin que le Comité du patrimoine mondial puisse examiner l'état de conservation du bien à sa 28e session, en 2004. [14] Décision adoptée sans discussion
The World Heritage Committee [16],1. Noting that the State Party has removed the moratorium on construction within the property, and that this action is in accordance with the newly adopted management plan for the property, strictly limiting the total number of hotel rooms to be built in the reserve,   2. Invites the State Party to ensure strict adherence to the management plan and to carry out systematic environmental monitoring to detect and, if necessary, remedy any possible negative effects on the ecosystem of the property from the development;3. Requests the State Party to provide a ...
Sites: Sian Ka'an
The World Heritage Committee [17],1. Noting the actions undertaken so far by the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies to improve and assist Bandiagara,;2. Considering the importance to undertake all necessary measures for preventive action to protect a property inscribed on the World Heritage List,;3. Requests the Director-General of UNESCO to bring to the attention of the Director-General of The World Food Programme the severe famine reported in Bandiagara. [17]  Decision adopted without discussion.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Notes the new information provided by the State Party;2. Urges the State Party to proceed with the appointment of a non-governmental organization (NGO) representative to the Alligator Rivers Region Technical Committee (ARRTC);3. Requests that the State Party provide a report on: (a) progress on compliance with ISO14001, (b) the ARRTC's continuing monitoring and review of water management and other environmental issues at Jabiluka and Ranger, (c) consultation with the Traditional Owners of Kakadu on cultural heritage management and protection.n;The report ...
The World Heritage Committee[18],1. Takes note of the findings and recommendations of the ICOMOS monitoring mission to the World Heritage property of Mount Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha; 2. Expresses its appreciation to the Chinese authorities for facilitating the ICOMOS mission and for providing further information regarding the tourism development projects in the buffer zone of the property;  3. Requests the State Party to:(a) strengthen the management mechanisms and the effective implementation of existing legal provisions for the protection of the property, including the ...
The World Heritage Committee,1. Recalling that the Committee, since 1996, has expressed its serious concerns about the management and planning arrangements of the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu,; 2. Recalling that reactive monitoring missions were undertaken in 1997, 1999 and 2002 and that the recommendations of these missions were endorsed by the Committee and transmitted to the Government of Peru for consideration and implementation,; 3. Recalling further that in May 2002, as an exceptional measure, the Chairperson of the Committee addressed letters of concern to the Ministers of ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Commends the government of Kenya for its commitment to address the concerns over the physical developments on the Lamu Island and welcomes Kenya's availability to co-operate with the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS for a mission to Lamu;2. Requests the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS, in cooperation with the State Party to undertake a mission to ascertain the state of conservation of Lamu;3. Further requests the State Party to collaborate with the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS in the development of a programme for the rehabilitation of Lamu and to ...
Sites: Lamu Old Town
The World Heritage Committee,1. Noting with concern that several properties in islands of the Indian Ocean have been severely damaged by natural catastrophes,;2. Congratulates the Malgache authorities for their efforts to protect the property from further damage and for having informed the Secretariat of the state of conservation of the property;3. Invites Madagascar to undertake urgent restoration work to preserve the World Heritage value of the Royal Hill of Ambohimanga.
The World Heritage Committee [19],1. Noting with satisfaction the action undertaken by the State Party to protect the property,;2. Invites the State Party, in accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of the World Heritage Convention, to take the necessary administrative measures for an in situ management of the property and to recruit a manager for the property;3. Requests ICOMOS and the World Heritage Centre to organize a mission to the property, in consultation with the national authorities, in order to establish the state of conservation of the property and advise the World Heritage Committee ...
The World Heritage Committee [20],1. Recalling that all possible measures must be taken to protect the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and reaffirming support to the States Parties in their efforts to protect properties,2. Commends the State Party for the proactive initiative of undertaking an on-site investigation to assess the state of conservation of the property in February 2003 and for the subsequent adoption of the Conservation Management Plan by the Robben Island Museum Council;3. Welcomes the World Heritage Centre's efforts in mobilizing extrabudgetary resources from ...
Sites: Robben Island
The World Heritage Committee [21], 1. Having noted the very worrying state of conservation of the Kasbah, and its difficult socio-economic context,;2. Commends the Algerian authorities for having designated the Kasbah as a protected zone under the current Law, which constitutes an important step towards an effective protection of the property;3. Recognizes the urgent need to strengthen capacity of the responsible technical bodies in conservation and appreciates the support from the Italian Government in this respect, 4. Invites the State Party to rapidly proceed, in close consultation ...
The World Heritage Committee [22], 1. Commends, with gratitude, the State Party for halting the implementation of the proposed new road through the Southern sector of Islamic Cairo;  1. Recognizes that this type of recurrent problem should be addressed in a global manner and preventively in the framework of a comprehensive urban conservation plan;3. Encourages the State Party to implement, in consultation with the World Heritage Centre, the recommendations of the International Symposium held in Cairo in February 2002, and particularly to:(a) designate Historic Cairo as a Special Planning ...
The World Heritage Committee [23],1. Commends the State Party for its commitment towards the preservation of the Pyramid Fields, and particularly for having prevented the implementation of the proposed tunnel project;2. Encourages the State Party to provide any information concerning the development of management plans for the property to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2004 in order that the World Heritage Committee can examine the state of conservation of the property at its 28th session in 2004.[23]  Decision adopted without discussion.
The World Heritage Committee [24],1. Congratulates the State Party, as well as the Ministry of Culture of Quebec, for the considerable efforts made towards the improvement of the property and its better presentation;   2. Invites the State Party to consider integrating a component for the conservation and interpretation of the archaeological sector of Byblos within the scope of the World Bank Project; 3. Recommends the Lebanese authorities to discard proposals to further extend the jetty of the port and to postpone the project for a promenade around the archaeological property until ...
Sites: Byblos