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World Heritage Convention

173 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Session: 26COM 2002
By Year
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Notes that the State Party has prepared the draft Supplementary Environmental Impact Study and has received 350,000 comments which are currently being evaluated; 2. Urges the State Party to continue to report on Yellowstone's snowmobile phase-out and other efforts to ensure that winter travel facilities respect the protection of the Park, its visitors, and its wildlife; 3. Invites the State Party to co-operate with IUCN and the Centre to prepare a report for submission to its 27th session in June/July 2003, containing steps it intends to take to develop ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Takes note of the report provided by the State Party and welcomes the progress made to enhance the protection, preservation and presentation of the World Heritage site; 2. Reiterates the recommendations made by the Bureau at its 25th session, notably regarding the enlargement of the Butrint National Park Board to include, at the national and regional level, all relevant authorities to ensure a strong and effective co-ordination of the management of the World Heritage site; 3. Urges the State Party to take all appropriate measures, at the national level, ...
Sites: Butrint
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Notes with appreciation the recent return of the two Angkor sculptures from the Academy of Fine Arts of Honolulu to the National Museum of Phnom Penh; 2. Notes that support has been provided to the International Co-ordination Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of Angkor (ICC) by new partners (Switzerland and India) and expresses appreciation for the support of the Municipality of Paris to strengthen the Documentation Centre; 3. Urges the State Party to make available to its 27th session in June/July 2003, within the framework of the Periodic ...
Sites: Angkor
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Expresses its appreciation to the Government of India and the State Government of Karnataka for establishing a "Hampi World Heritage Area Management Authority" to ensure effective co-ordination of conservation and development activities within the Hampi World Heritage areas;2. Encourages the State Party and the authorities concerned to continue their efforts in the formulation of a comprehensive management plan and to this end requests the World Heritage Centre to continue co-operating with the concerned authorities;  3. Invites the State Party ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Commends the Omani authorities for the substantial achievements in the advancement of conservation works at the Fort, and for engaging in the preparation of the Management Plan;2. Recommends that the State Party ensure as a matter of urgency the necessary technical supervision of the conservation works being implemented at the site, and that a comprehensive survey and analysis of cultural and natural values of the Bahla Oasis and its surroundings be included in the scope of work of the consultant firm;3. Expresses its concern with regard to the proposed ...
Sites: Bahla Fort
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Reiterates its request made to the State Party at its 24th session to take corrective measures to remove the threats to the property and to clarify ownership, land-use and the legal status of the land within 60 meters of the partially demolished hydraulic works, particularly in view of the Punjab Special Premises Ordinance applicable to the site; 2. Takes note with appreciation of the positive actions taken and being planned by the State Party and the Centre for the rehabilitation of the Shalamar Gardens and in elaborating a comprehensive management plan ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Takes note of the important work initiated by the local authorities and congratulates the State Party for its declared willingness to correct the present situation;2. Requests the State Party to present a progress report by 1 February 2003 on the work carried out for examination at its 27th session in June/July 2003;3. Decides to maintain, in agreement with the State Party, the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Expresses its deep concern over the situation that calls for urgent corrective measures as the fragile natural environment continues to be affected by: uncontrolled construction of shelters on the Rice Terraces; climate-induced erosion of the Rice Terraces; abandonment of the Rice Terraces; unsustainable agricultural practices for the local communities; 2. Expresses its appreciation of the State Party's action to establish a permanent effective body to co-ordinate and lead efforts to rehabilitate the Rice Terraces in accordance with the ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Recommends the Yemeni authorities to strengthen, in close consultation with the Centre, the coordination of all efforts for the safeguarding of the Historic Town of Zabid;2. Requests the Centre to finalize the outline of the Urban Conservation Plan and technical specifications for the repair of residential buildings, in view of a clear distribution of roles and responsibilities among the responsible Yemeni authorities and the international community of donors;3. Encourages the State Party to establish at the site a Technical Unit, to act as a partner for ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Notes that preliminary consultations took place between the Centre and the State Party concerning the state of conservation of Kotor;2. Requests the authorities to invite a UNESCO-ICOMOS mission to evaluate the restoration of the site and its current state of conservation;3. Requests the mission to provide a recommendation as to whether or not the site could be removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger at its 27th session in June/July 2003.
The World Heritage Committee: 1. Invites the State Party to provide up-to-date information on the current status of the Public Interest Petition (PIP) on the impacts of tiger prawn seed harvesting and the measures taken by authorities to address the concerns raised by the PIP;2. Recommends that the State Party with the participation of Indian experts and the experts of the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of IUCN, consider undertaking a review in order to provide additional inputs regarding methodologies and techniques used for tiger census to improve reliability of estimates of the ...
The World Heritage Committee,Notes that information exchange on the state of conservation of several properties of Australia is underway between the State Party, the Australian Committee for IUCN and the Centre and that a National Periodic Report will be prepared by the State Party for examination at the 27th session of the Committee in June/July 2003.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Notes the results of the report provided by the UNESCO-IUCN mission to the site and the number of existing and potential threats to the site's values and integrity, including boundary issues, the lack of a management plan, and a new ski development proposal with forest disturbance;2. Welcomes the response by the State Party to the concerns contained in the mission report, and acknowledges the support provided by the Swiss Government to the Bulgarian-Swiss Biodiversity Conservation Project, in the preparation of the Management Plan for the site;3. Urges the ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Expresses strong concern with regard to the zinc mine, as well as the findings of the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (MVEIRB) report, including the comments on the inadequacy of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA) to resolve the issues of land use and policy conflicts involving the site and its surroundings;2. Requests the State Party to provide by 1 February 2003, information on how the concerns and recommendations contained in the MVEIRB report will be addressed in relation to the impact on the World Heritage site to ...
The World Heritage Committee, Requests the State Party to provide by 1 February 2003, information on the status of the proposal to build a winter road and, specifically, the outcome of the appeals submitted to the Federal Court to be heard in the second half of 2002 for examination by the Committee at its 27th session in June/July 2003.
The World Heritage Committee,1. Notes the state of conservation report and the decision by the Bureau contained in document WHC-02/CONF.202/2, paragraphs XII. 44-46, and2. Decides to review the proposed extension of the property under item 23 Nominations [10].[10] See decision 26 COM 23.4.
The World Heritage Committee, 1. Requests the State Party to provide a detailed report of the wildlife poaching situation at the site, including information on reported intentions to reopen hunting throughout the country and follow-up to the recommendations.  If affirmative, the State Party should elaborate the plans and methods it proposes to regulate and control the activity at the World Heritage site; 2. Urges the State Party to invite a monitoring mission to assess the state of conservation of the site with the aim of informing the Committee whether the site should be placed on the ...
The World Heritage Committee: 1. Notes that there has been significant progress on invasive-species and marine conservation, quarantine and institutional strengthening actions, notably through the implementation of the UNESCO/United Nations Foundation (UNF)/Charles Darwin Foundation, Global Environment Facility (GEF)/United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) projects. There have been clear signs of Government commitment to conservation, most notably the successful nomination of the Galapagos Marine Reserve for World Heritage status and the ...
The World Heritage Committee,Notes the state of conservation report and the decision by the Bureau contained in document WHC-02/CONF.202/2, paragraphs XII. 19-22.