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World Heritage Convention

47 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1981
Year end: 1981
By Year
38. Furthermore, the Committee decided that in each future annual budget a sum equivalent to one quarter of the total amount approved for technical co-operation projects will be added to this amount to finance projects costing not more than $20,000 each.
The nomination of "Los Glaciares" National Park and the delimitation of the Park were the subject of an intervention and a statement by the observer of Chile and a statement by the delegate of Argentina. The intervention and the statement of the observer of Chile are set out in Annex III ; the statement of the delegate of Argentina' is reproduced in Annex IV in its original Spanish version and in translation.
The representative of ALECSO informed the Committee of the activities undertaken by this organization in the field of the cultural heritage and stated that it was determined to strengthen its co-operation with Unesco, in particular in regard to the training of technicians and specialists.
The Rapporteur informed the Committee that, with the addition of the twenty-six properties approved by the Committee during its fifth session, a total of 112 cultural and natural properties had so far been included in the World Heritage List. The list of properties inscribed should be widely disseminated and it would be necessary, for this purpose, to decide whether the properties should be grouped by category and, if so, what categories should be established. The representative of the Director-General stated that, according to the terms of the Convention, it was for the Committee to ...
The Secretariat informed the Committee of the invitation from Sri Lanka, a State Party to the Convention but not a member of the Committee, to hold the sixth session of the Committee in Colombo. The Committee took note of this kind invitation and recalled that its Rules of Procedure foresee that it is only members of the Committee who may extend such invitations.
The Committee was informed that the Secretariat had received from the Jordanian Delegation an official letter inviting the Committee to hold its next session in Amman. Two other members of the World Heritage Convention, Pakistan and Tunisia, expressed the intention of their respective governments to invite the Committee to hold its sixth session in their countries. The delegate of Brazil, for his part, informed the Committee that he had consulted his Government about holding that session in his country.
After consultations among the representatives of Brazil, Jordan, Pakistan and Tunisia, it was proposed that the Committee hold its sixth session in Pakistan and consider holding its seventh session in Brazil. The Committee decided, as far as it was concerned, to accept for 1982 the invitation of Pakistan and warmly thanked the authorities of Pakistan.