Region:Arab States
19 States Parties to the Convention as of 08-Mar-2012

Ratification Status

State Party Date Type of instrument
Algeria 24/06/1974 R
Bahrain 28/05/1991 R
Egypt 07/02/1974 R
Iraq 05/03/1974 Ac
Jordan 05/05/1975 R
Kuwait 06/06/2002 R
Lebanon 03/02/1983 R
Libya 2 13/10/1978 R
Mauritania 02/03/1981 R
Morocco 28/10/1975 R
Oman 06/10/1981 Ac
Qatar 12/09/1984 Ac
Saudi Arabia 07/08/1978 Ac
State of Palestine 08/12/2011 R
Sudan 06/06/1974 R
Syrian Arab Republic 13/08/1975 Ac
Tunisia 10/03/1975 R
United Arab Emirates 11/05/2001 A
Yemen 3 07/10/1980 R

Date of deposit of ratification (R), acceptance (Ac), accession (A) or of the notification of succession (S)1

The symbol ** designates those States for whom, in accordance with Article 33, the Convention has not yet entered into force.
  1. This Convention entered into force on 17 December 1975. It subsequently entered into force for each State three months after the date of deposit of that State's instrument, except in cases of declarations of succession (indicated by the letter (S)), where the entry into force occurred on the date on which the State assumed responsibility for conducting its international relations.
  2. On 16 September 2011, the National Transitional Council requested, via the Protocol and Liaison Service, that the form "Libya", previously not in use at the UN, replace both the earlier official and short forms (respectively, the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (the)).
  3. The unification of the Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen into a single Sovereign State, the Republic of Yemen, was proclaimed on 22 May 1990.

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