Region:Latin America and the Caribbean
33 States Parties to the Convention as of 15-Aug-2014

Ratification Status

State Party Date Type of instrument
Antigua and Barbuda 01/11/1983 Ac
Argentina 23/08/1978 Ac
Bahamas 15/05/2014 R
Barbados 09/04/2002 Ac
Belize 06/11/1990 R
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 04/10/1976 R
Brazil 01/09/1977 Ac
Chile 20/02/1980 R
Colombia 24/05/1983 Ac
Costa Rica 23/08/1977 R
Cuba 24/03/1981 R
Dominica 04/04/1995 R
Dominican Republic 12/02/1985 R
Ecuador 16/06/1975 Ac
El Salvador 08/10/1991 Ac
Grenada 13/08/1998 Ac
Guatemala 16/01/1979 R
Guyana 20/06/1977 Ac
Haiti 18/01/1980 R
Honduras 08/06/1979 R
Jamaica 14/06/1983 Ac
Mexico 23/02/1984 Ac
Nicaragua 17/12/1979 Ac
Panama 03/03/1978 R
Paraguay 27/04/1988 R
Peru 24/02/1982 R
Saint Kitts and Nevis 10/07/1986 Ac
Saint Lucia 14/10/1991 R
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 03/02/2003 R
Suriname 23/10/1997 Ac
Trinidad and Tobago 16/02/2005 R
Uruguay 09/03/1989 Ac
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 30/10/1990 Ac

Date of deposit of ratification (R), acceptance (Ac), accession (A) or of the notification of succession (S)1

The symbol ** designates those States for whom, in accordance with Article 33, the Convention has not yet entered into force.
  1. This Convention entered into force on 17 December 1975. It subsequently entered into force for each State three months after the date of deposit of that State's instrument, except in cases of declarations of succession (indicated by the letter (S)), where the entry into force occurred on the date on which the State assumed responsibility for conducting its international relations.

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