21st session of the General Assembly of States Parties

UNESCO, Paris 14-15 November 2017

By States Parties
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543 Participants 100%
Participants States parties Categories
Tewolde Feven Tewolde
Permanent Delegation of Ethiopia to UNESCO
Ethiopia Rapporteur
Boisson-Saint-Martin Béatrice Boisson-Saint-Martin
Cheffe du pôle patrimoine mondial et des conventions patrimoniales
Mission du patrimoine mondial
Direction générale des patrimoines et de l’architecture
France Committee Member
Cioroianu Adrian Cioroianu
Permanent Delegate of Romania to UNESCO
Romania Chairperson
Jo Eugene Jo
Programme Manager
World Heritage Leadership Programme
Advisory Body
King Joseph King
Senior Director
Office of the Director General
Advisory Body
Durighello Regina Durighello
Director Advisory Monitoring Unit
Advisory Body
Badman Tim Badman
Director, World Heritage
World Heritage Team
Advisory Body
Osipova Elena Osipova
Monitoring Officer
World Heritage Programme
Advisory Body
Shadie Peter Shadie
Senior Advisor, World Heritage
WH Programme
Advisory Body
Sediqi Abdel-Ellah Sediqi
Ambassadeur & Délégué permanent de la R.I. d'Afghanistan auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation permanente de la R.I. d'Afghanistan auprès de l'UNESCO
Afghanistan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mahbubi Hashem Mahbubi
Délégation permanente de la R.I. d'Afghanistan auprès de l'UNESCO
Afghanistan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Malek-Asghar Tamim Malek-Asghar
Assistant de S.E. M. l'Ambassadeur & Délégué permanent de la R.I.d'Afghanistan auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation permanente de la R.I. d'Afghanistan auprès de l'UNESCO
Afghanistan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ashrafi Sayed Naweed Ashrafi
Deuxième Secrétaire
Délégation permanente de la R.I. d'Afghanistan auprès de l'UNESCO
Afghanistan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Basharyar Farhad Basharyar
Deuxième Secrétaire
Délégation permanente de la R.I. d'Afghanistan auprès de l'UNESCO
Afghanistan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Wardak Abdul Rahman Wardak
Premier Secrétaire
Délégation permanente de la R.I. d'Afghanistan auprès de l'UNESCO
Afghanistan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Domi Venera Domi
Ambassador/Permanent Delegate of Albania to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Albania to UNESCO
Albania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Angjeliu Kozeta Angjeliu
Director of Tangible Heritage and Museums
Ministry of Culture
Directorate of Tangible Heritage and Museums
Albania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dollani Arta Dollani
Albania States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mesdoua Abdelkader Mesdoua
Délégation Permanente d'Algérie
Algeria States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Khilifi Saïd Khilifi
Délégation Permanente d'Algérie
Algeria States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mohand Amer Nassim Mohand Amer
Délégation Permanente d'Algérie
Algeria States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Rodriguez Cristina Rodriguez
Ambassadeur, Déléguée permanente d'Andorre auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation permanente d'Andorre auprès de l'UNESCO
Andorra States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Jordi Andreu Jordi
Délégué permanent adjoint
Délégation permanente d'Andorre auprès de l'UNESCO
Andorra States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Codina Vialette Olivier Codina Vialette
Ministère de la Culture, de la Jeunesse et des sports
Patrimoine Culturel
Andorra States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Cerqueira Carolina Cerqueira
Ministre de la Culture
Angola States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Conde Cristiana Conde
Directrice du Cabinet
Angola States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Jamba Seteco Lussinga Jamba Seteco
Première Secretaire
Angola States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Julio Joao Luzia Julio Joao
Secretaire Générale
Angola States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Luis Cabuco Avelino Luis Cabuco
Ministre Conseiller
Angola States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Terragno Rodolfo Terragno
Delegation of Argentina at UNESCO
Argentina States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hildmann Miguel Angel Hildmann
Deputy Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Argentina to UNESCO
Argentina States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Leoni Eduardo Leoni
Permanent Delegation of Argentina to UNESCO
Argentina States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Granatelli Bárbara Granatelli
Permanent Delegation of Argentina to UNESCO
Argentina States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Schultz Cristobal Schultz
Permanent Delegation of Argentina to UNESCO
Argentina States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Davtyan Olga Davtyan
First Secretary
Embassy of Armenia to France
Armenia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mackenzie Angus Mackenzie
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Australia to UNESCO
Australian Permanent Delegation of Australia to UNESCO
Australia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Oxley Stephen Oxley
First Assistant Secretary
Department of the Environment and Energy
Australia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Taylor Mahani Taylor
Department of the Environment and Energy
Australia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Burt Samantha Burt
Assistant Director
Department of the Environment and Energy
Australia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Siwicki Anne Siwicki
Senior Policy Officer
Permanent Delegation of Australia to UNESCO
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Australia States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Pröckl Ruth Veronika Pröckl
Head of Division for UNESCO World Cultural Heritage / Austrian Focal Point for UNESCO World Cultural Heritage
Federal Chancellery of Austria
Division II/4a UNESCO World Heritage
Austria States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Reinprecht Claudia Reinprecht
Ambassador, Alternate Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of Austria to UNESCO
Austria States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Reinprecht Claudia Reinprecht
Ambassador, Alternate Permanent Delegate of Austria to UNESCO
Permanent Delegation of Austria to UNESCO
Austria States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Walch Anna Walch
Permanent Delegation of Austria to UNESCO
Austria States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mammadaliyeva Sevda Mammadaliyeva
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Balajayeva Zivar Balajayeva
Assistant Deputy Minister
Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Karimov Anar Karimov
Permanent Delegate
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan to UNESCO
Azerbaijan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Baratli Rashad Baratli
Second Secretary
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan to UNESCO
Azerbaijan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Al Khalifa Shaikha Mai Al Khalifa
Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities
Bahrain States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Al-Khalifa Khalifa Al-Khalifa
Director of Museums
Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities
Bahrain States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Al Khalifa Nailah Al Khalifa
Heritage Researcher
Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities
Museums and Archaeology
Bahrain States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Al Rifai Walid Al Rifai
Adviser for International Relations
Bahrain Authority for Culture & Antiquities
Bahrain States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Almahari Salman Almahari
Chief of conservation
Bahrain Authority of Culture and Antiquity
Bahrain States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Flouty Elie Flouty
media advisor
bahrain authority for Culture and Antiquities
Bahrain States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Khoorsheed Abdulredha Khoorsheed
Chief Of Coordination & Follow-Up
AUS Culture & National Heritage
Coordination & Follow-Up Departement
Bahrain States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Touqan Shadia Touqan
Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage
Bahrain States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hossain Kazi Imtiaz Hossain
Ambassador of Bangladesh to France and Permanent Delegate of Bangladesh to UNESCO
Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh , Paris, France
Bangladesh States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ayub Afsana Ayub
Programme Officer
Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO
Bangladesh States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Chowdhury Farhana Ahmed Chowdhury
First Secretary
Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh , Paris, France
Bangladesh States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Islam A K M Shahidul Islam
Research and Liaison Officer
Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh , Paris, France
Bangladesh States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Cummins Alissandra Cummins
Barbados National Commission for UNESCO
Barbados States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Grazette Joyce Grazette
Charge d'Affaires a.i.
Permanent Delegation of Barbados to UNESCO
Barbados States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Latushka Pavel Latushka
Embassy of Belarus
Belarus States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Schasnovich Natalya Schasnovich
Acting Secretary General
NatCom of Belarus
Belarus States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kornev Vitaly Kornev
Délégué permanent adjoint
Délégation Permanente de la République du Bélarus auprès de l'UNESCO
Belarus States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Schittecatte Jean-Joël Schittecatte
Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation permanente de la Belgique auprès de l'UNESCO
Belgium States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Willems Dries Willems
Conseiller, Délégué général adjoint du Gouvernement flamand, Paris
Délégation de la Belgique auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation permanente de la Belgique auprès de l’UNESCO
Belgium States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Kowal Zénon Kowal
Délégation générale Wallonie-Bruxelles, Délégation permanente de la Belgique auprès de l'UNESCO
Délégation générale Wallonie-Bruxelles, Délégation permanente de la Belgique auprès de l'UNESCO
Belgium States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Devillers Gislaine Devillers
Première Attachée
Direction générale de l'aménagement du territoire, du logement et du patrimoine Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Direction générale de l'aménagement du territoire, du logement et du patrimoine Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Belgium States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
François Julien François
Délégation permanente de la Belgique auprès de l’UNESCO
Délégation permanente de la Belgique auprès de l’UNESCO
Belgium States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Geleyns Piet Geleyns
Policy advisor
Flanders Heritage Agency
Belgium States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Blades Roosevelt Blades
Secretary General
Ministry of Education
National Commission for UNESCO
Belize States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Zevounou Irenée Bienvenu Zevounou
Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent
Délégation permanente du Bénin auprès de l'UNESCO
Benin States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Houenoude Didier Houenoude
Directeur du patrimoine culturel
Ministère du Tourisme, de la Culture et des Sports
Benin States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Sagbohan Moise Sagbohan
Délégué permanent adjoint
Délégation permanente du Bénin auprès de l'UNESCO
Benin States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Tehou Aristide Tehou
Chef service Etudes et prospectives
Ministère du Cadre de Vie et du Développement Durable
Centre National de Gestion des Réserves de Faune (CENAGREF)
Benin States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Acclombessi Goudjo Marcellin Acclombessi
Chef Service de la Coopération
Ministère du Cadre de Vie et du Développement Durable
Benin States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Afoukou Franck Armel Afoukou
Délégation permanente du Bénin auprès de l'UNESCO
Benin States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Houenoude Didier Houenoude
Directeur du Patrimoine culturel
Ministère du Tourisme et de la culture
Benin States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Namoano Georges Y Namoano
Expert-conseil en gestion participative et reconnaissance internationale du complexe WAP
Benin States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Bida Wangchuk Bida
Chief Program Officer
Ministry of Education
National Commission for UNESCO
Bhutan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dorji Tandin Dorji
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the United Nations in Geneva
Bhutan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dorji Tandin Dorji
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Bhutan in Geneva
Bhutan States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Mamani Pamela Mamani
Chargée d'Affaires a.i.
Délégation Permanente de l'Etat Plurinational de Bolivie auprès de l'UNESCO
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Chamby Jaïro Chamby
Assistant local
Délégation Permanente de l'Etat Plurinational de Bolivie auprès de l'UNESCO
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dogo Kovacevic Tamara Dogo Kovacevic
minister counceller
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzgovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Orlic Ivan Orlic
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Sahovic Almir Sahovic
Assistant Minister of Foreign Affiars
Bosnia and Herzegovina States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dronjic Ivica Dronjic
Minister Counsellor
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Depp. For UN
Bosnia and Herzegovina States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Motsewabeng Purene Motsewabeng
Programme officer Culture
Botswana National Commission for UNESCO
Botswana States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Malai Halimah Yussof Datin Paduka Malai Halimah Yussof
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Brunei Darussalam to France and Permanent Delegate of Brunei Darussalam to UNESCO
Delegation of Brunei Darussalam to UNESCO
Brunei Darussalam States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Pg. Hj Shahminan Dk. Nor Zaidah Shahminan Pg. Hj Shahminan
Second Secretary
Embassy of Brunei Darussalam in Paris
Brunei Darussalam States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Haji Japar Jamilah Haji Japar
Research Assistant
Embassy of Brunei Darussalam in Paris
Brunei Darussalam States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Hj Md Noor Mohammad Yusri Hj Md Noor
Third Secretary
Embassy of Brunei Darussalam in Paris
Brunei Darussalam States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Grekova-Stefanova Zornitza Grekova-Stefanova
Third Secretary
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Bulgaria to UNESCO
Bulgaria States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Dibloni Ollo Théophile Dibloni
Institut de l'Environnement et de Rcherches Agricoles du Centre National de Recherces Scientifique et Technologique (INERA/CNRST)
Département Environnement et Forêt
Burkina Faso States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Pascal Bahan Pascal
delegation du Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Sedogo Vincent Sedogo
Ministère de la Culture, des Arts et du Tourisme
Direction Générale du Patrimoine Culturel
Burkina Faso States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Ntahobari Nestor Ntahobari
2e Conseiller
Delegation du Burundi
Burundi States Parties to the World Heritage Convention
Fernandes Hamilton Fernandes
President of Institut of Cultural Heritage
Ministerio of Cultura
Cabo Verde States Parties to the World Heritage Convention