
Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte in Braga

Factors affecting the property in 2021*
  • Legal framework
  • Low impact research / monitoring activities
  • Management systems/ management plan
  • Other Threats:

    Need to remove the terrace bar

Factors* affecting the property identified in previous reports

Factors identified at the time of inscription of the property:

  • Legal framework (classify the whole site as a National Monument)
  • Management System/Management Plan (improve the documentation, update and supplement the Management Plan, improve the Action Plan, visitor management, improve institutional links between stakeholders)
  • Low impact research/monitoring activities (develop additional monitoring indicators and improve the documentation related to heritage elements)
  • Buildings and development (remove the terrace bar)
International Assistance: requests for the property until 2021
Requests approved: 0
Total amount approved : 0 USD
Missions to the property until 2021**
Conservation issues presented to the World Heritage Committee in 2021

On 16 December 2020, the State Party submitted a report on the state of conservation of the property, which is available at https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1590/documents/. The report presents the State Party’s progress on a number of conservation issues addressed by the Committee at the time of the inscription, as follows:

  • Details of progress on documenting the property are provided. The State Party reports that the entire historical archive has been inventoried, as has 70% of the movable property pertaining to the sanctuary;
  • In response to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a reprogramming of actions. No major buildings works are underway, and currently only preventative maintenance is being carried out. A schedule of actions from 2021-2025 is provided. It is expected that the majority of funding will be obtained through European Union funding, the balance being covered through the annual budgets of the ‘Confraria de Bom Jesus’, the owners of the property;
  • The municipalities of Braga and Guimaraes have drawn up and are implementing the ‘Intermunicipal Sacromontes Programme’ (IPM) to improve institutional links for fire prevention and firefighting;
  • The entire property has been classified as a National Monument by Notice No. 20150/2020;
  • Initiatives for visitor control in the action plan focus on pedestrian and car traffic planning and parking and enhancing the visitor experience of the property. The Confraria developed a rehabilitation study of the Portico area, set out in the ‘Programme to Improve the Visitation of the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte’ (2020);
  • Considering the recommended additional monitoring indicators, the State Party reaffirms that those identified in the nomination dossier regarding the park and woodland are still relevant. Baseline data has been provided by the detailed vegetation study. The definition of monitoring indicators to address urban expansion/development requires the official publication of the revised Braga Master Plan. Monitoring of visitor impacts is expected through the IPM;
  • The vegetation study provides a classification of the existing vegetation, focusing on the arboreal stratum, and an analysis of documentary sources. The study concludes that the sanctuary’s current tree heritage is very important to the scenic and functional value of the property, nevertheless, it represents a considerable management challenge;
  • The contract for the management of the terrace bar reportedly ended at the end of 2020. A plan has been approved to remove the terrace bar (in early 2021) and create a new circulation scheme.
Analysis and Conclusion by World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies in 2021

Progress was made in relation to some of the World Heritage Committee’s recommendations at the time of inscription. In particular, the classification of the entire property as a National Monument, the establishment of the IPM, the commitment to remove the terrace bar, and the implementation of the detailed vegetation study are welcome.

Noting that the legal protection of the whole site as a National Monument means that the buffer zone corresponds under national legislation for all purposes to a Special Protection Zone, it would be helpful if the State Party could clarify how it proposes to develop monitoring indicators to identify potential threats to the property and buffer zone from urban expansion/development, including private building activity inside the buffer zone, and how this will be linked with the Braga Master Plan.

The IPM not only provides for the establishment of a strategy to combat forest fires but covers a wider programme of economic and social development and environmental quality assurance. The programme is planned to be concluded in 2022, and it would be important to clarify how the strategy to combat forest fires, and the broader programme of cooperation between Braga and Guimaraes, will be sustained in the future.

The detailed vegetation study with inventory of the arboreal elements of the vegetation and conclusions in relation to the importance of the vegetation as complementary to the architectural design and ornamentation of the Sanctuary’s built elements, are all to be welcomed. However, no detail is provided on how this information will be used to update management planning for the landscape of the property. Given that the study recognizes that the current tree heritage of the property represents a considerable challenge for the future management of the property, it would be appropriate to request detailed information from the State Party in relation to how the vegetation study will inform the management of the property and monitoring indicators for the park and wood.

Several previously recommended elements have not been addressed and require further work and clarification, such as the inventory of heritage elements of the property. Some immediate actions and funding applications are noted, as is the decrease in the Confraria’s revenues as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Some of the planned actions appear to involve extensive construction or conservation activity, such as the creation of an interpretation centre and the conservation and restoration of three chapels in the Terreiro dos Evangelistas. Noting that previous recommendations included the need to improve the Action Plan, the Committee may wish to address this as a priority and request the State Party to submit a revised Action Plan, a Conservation Plan and, given the focus on the visitor experience, a Tourism Management Plan as part of an updated Management Plan to the World Heritage Centre for review by the Advisory Bodies, prior to its adoption.

The State Party recognizes that the scale of planned interventions, for example in relation to the rehabilitation of the Portico area, could have repercussions on the property as a whole and states that the impacts are being studied. Given the scale and potential impacts of proposed developments on the property, it is recommended that World Heritage Committee request the State Party to develop a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) for all the proposed developments and their potential cumulative impact, to be communicated to the World Heritage Centre before construction, in accordance with Paragraph 118bis of the Operational Guidelines.

Decisions adopted by the Committee in 2021
44 COM 7B.158
Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte in Braga (Portugal) (C 1590)

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/21/44.COM/7B,
  2. Recalling Decision 43 COM 8B. 31, adopted at its 43rd session (Baku, 2019),
  3. Takes note of the progress accomplished and welcomes the efforts of the State Party in particular to classify the whole property as a National Monument, to establish institutional links between the two municipalities and other stakeholders for fire prevention and firefighting, to complete a vegetation study and to commit to the removal of the terrace bar;
  4. Requests nevertheless, the State Party to continue working on the issues identified at the time of inscription by:
    1. Completing an inventory of heritage elements of the property,
    2. Developing additional monitoring indicators to address the state of conservation of the park and the woodland,
    3. Closely monitoring urban expansion/developments that may have an impact on the property, including within and beyond the buffer zone, as a specific action in the revision of the Braga Master Plan,
    4. Closely monitoring the threat of fire, through the continuation of the ‘Intermunicipal Sacromontes Programme’, or similar programmes,
    5. Carrying out Heritage Impact Assessments of proposed developments within the property, also with regard to their potential cumulative impact, particularly those in relation to the ‘Programme to Improve the Visitation of the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte’, in accordance with Paragraph 118bis of the Operational Guidelines, for submission to the World Heritage Centre in advance of the proposed developments,
    6. Updating the Management Plan to include:
      1. a revised Action Plan, detailing all the proposed actions in the property with an associated timetable,
      2. a detailed Conservation Plan, as the basis for a well-planned and long-term conservation approach,
      3. bearing in mind the focus on visitor experience, a Tourism Management Plan that includes actions, time schedules and dedicated resources,
      4. the results of the vegetation study to present, manage and sustain the vegetation, particularly the tree heritage, as an important element of the property that supplements its landscape attributes,
      5. a revised and more effective monitoring system by ensuring regular reporting on conservation work, the state of the park and wood, the impact of visitation, and the threat of urban expansion/development and forest fires;
  5. Finally requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 December 2023, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property and the implementation of the above, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 47th session.
44 COM 8B.67
Statements of Outstanding Universal Value of properties inscribed at previous sessions and not adopted by the World Heritage Committee

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/21/44.COM/8B.Add,
  2. Adopts the Statements of Outstanding Universal Value for the following World Heritage properties inscribed at previous sessions of the World Heritage Committee:
  • Azerbaijan, Historic Centre of Sheki with the Khan’s Palace;
  • Cambodia, Temple Zone of Sambor Prei Kuk, Archaeological Site of Ancient Ishanapura;
  • China, Migratory Bird Sanctuaries along the Coast of Yellow Sea-Bohai Gulf of China (Phase I);
  • Czechia, Landscape for Breeding and Training of Ceremonial Carriage Horses at Kladruby nad Labem;
  • India, Jaipur City, Rajasthan;
  • Poland, Krzemionki Prehistoric Striped Flint Mining Region;
  • Portugal, Royal Building of Mafra – Palace, Basilica, Convent, Cerco Garden and Hunting Park (Tapada);
  • Portugal, Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte in Braga;
  • Russian Federation, Central Sikhote-Alin;
  • Saudi Arabia, Al-Ahsa Oasis, an Evolving Cultural Landscape;
  • South Africa, Barberton Makhonjwa Mountains.
Draft Decision: 44 COM 7B.158

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/21/44.COM/7B,
  2. Recalling Decision 43 COM 8B. 31, adopted at its 43rd session (Baku, 2019),
  3. Takes note of the progress accomplished and welcomes the efforts of the State Party in particular to classify the whole property as a National Monument, to establish institutional links between the two municipalities and other stakeholders for fire prevention and firefighting, to complete a vegetation study and to commit to the removal of the terrace bar;
  4. Requests nevertheless, the State Party to continue working on the issues identified at the time of inscription by:
    1. Completing an inventory of heritage elements of the property,
    2. Developing additional monitoring indicators to address the state of conservation of the park and the woodland,
    3. Closely monitoring urban expansion/developments that may have an impact on the property, including within and beyond the buffer zone, as a specific action in the revision of the Braga Master Plan,
    4. Closely monitoring the threat of fire, through the continuation of the ‘Intermunicipal Sacromontes Programme’, or similar programmes,
    5. Carrying out Heritage Impact Assessments of proposed developments within the property, also with regard to their potential cumulative impact, particularly those in relation to the ‘Programme to Improve the Visitation of the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte’, in accordance with Paragraph 118bis of the Operational Guidelines, for submission to the World Heritage Centre in advance of the proposed developments,
    6. Updating the Management Plan to include:
      1. a revised Action Plan, detailing all the proposed actions in the property with an associated timetable,
      2. a detailed Conservation Plan, as the basis for a well-planned and long-term conservation approach,
      3. bearing in mind the focus on visitor experience, a Tourism Management Plan that includes actions, time schedules and dedicated resources,
      4. the results of the vegetation study to present, manage and sustain the vegetation, particularly the tree heritage, as an important element of the property that supplements its landscape attributes,
      5. a revised and more effective monitoring system by ensuring regular reporting on conservation work, the state of the park and wood, the impact of visitation, and the threat of urban expansion/development and forest fires;
  5. Finally requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 December 2023, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property and the implementation of the above, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 47th session in 2024.
Report year: 2021
Date of Inscription: 2019
Category: Cultural
Criteria: (iv)
Documents examined by the Committee
SOC Report by the State Party
Report (2020) .pdf
arrow_circle_right 44COM (2021)

* : The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).

** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.