
Historic Centre of the Town of Goiás

Factors affecting the property in 2002*
  • Flooding
International Assistance: requests for the property until 2002
Requests approved: 2 (from 2002-2002)
Total amount approved : 57,288 USD
Missions to the property until 2002**
Information presented to the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee in 2002

Previous deliberations:
25th session of the Committee (Chapter VI.6): inscription of the site on the World Heritage List (A2, n° of order : 993 rev).

Main issuesDamage caused by flood

New information:

In the morning of 31 December 2001, Goiás faced one of its major floods. Starting at dawn, strong intermittent rainfalls brought about an enormous increase in the volume of water drained into the channel of the Rio Vermelho. The site was severely endangered by these heavy rains and floods.

The inspection carried out by IPHAN following the rains and flood, pointed out that:

  • the wooden bridge of Ponte do Carmo was completely destroyed, those of Ponte de Lapa and da Cambaúba were seriously damaged;
  • several holes/potholes/craters of considerable dimensions were identified, particularly one next to the Cora Coralina’s house, close to the Carioca bridge and another near the Municipality Market Place;
  • support walls sections were destroyed along the riverbank;
  • over 80 houses were damaged and a significant number of them presented near total destruction;
  • among the buildings in the Historical Centre, the Hospital Sao Pedro, Cora Coralina’s House, the Carmel Church, the Sao Joaquim Theatre, the City Hall, the Municipality Market Place and the Bus Station were severely damaged;
  • ancient residential and commercial buildings, characterised as vernacular architecture have been recorded as cases of total destruction as well as documents, belongings, equipment, etc;
  • the Cross of Anhanguera, a representative landmark of the City, was partially destroyed.

The Director-General of UNESCO visited the site a few days after the flood. An emergency assistance request amounting to US$ 57,288 was submitted to carry out exemplary interventions in a dozen vernacular buildings around Cora Coralina’s house, the Lapa Bridge and the Cross of Anhanguera. US$ 50,000 were already approved by the World Heritage Committee Chairperson.

Action Required

The Bureau requests a report from the State party, by 1 February 2003, for submission to the 27th session of the Bureau, on the state of advancement of the restoration works carried out on the property.

Decisions adopted by the Committee in 2002
26 COM 21B.38
Historical Centre of the City of Goiás (Brazil)

The World Heritage Committee,

Requests the State Party to provide by 1 February 2003, a progress report on the restoration works carried out on the property, for examination at its 27th session in June/July 2003.

26 BUR XII.110-113
Historic Centre of the City of Goiás (Brazil)

XII.110 The Bureau was informed of the damage caused by the flooding of the Historic Centre of Goiás. On the morning of 31 December 2001, Goiás underwent one of its major floods. Starting at dawn, strong intermittent rainfalls brought about an enormous increase in the volume of water drained into the channel of the Rio Vermelho. The site was seriously endangered by these heavy rains and flooding.

XII.111 The inspection carried out by the National Institute for Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) following the rains and flooding, indicated that:

  • the wooden bridge of the Ponte do Carmo was completely destroyed, and those of the Ponte de Lapa and the da Cambaúba were seriously damaged;
  • several holes/potholes/craters of considerable size were identified, particularly  one next to Cora Coralina's house, close to the Carioca Bridge and another near the Municipality Market Place;
  • sections of support walls were destroyed along the riverbank;
  • over 80 houses were damaged and a significant number of them were almost totally destroyed;
  • among the buildings in the Historic Centre, the Hôpital Sao Pedro, Cora Coralina's House, the Carmel Church, the Sao Joaquim Theatre, the City Hall, the Municipality Market Place and the Bus Station were severely damaged;
  • ancient residential and commercial buildings, characterised as vernacular architecture were recorded as cases of total destruction, as well as documents, possessions, equipment, etc.;
  • the Cross of Anhanguera, a representative landmark of the City, was partially destroyed.

XII.112 The Director-General of UNESCO visited the site a few days after the flooding.  An emergency assistance request  amounting to US$ 57,288 was submitted to carry out exemplary interventions on a dozen vernacular buildings around Cora Coralina's House, the Lapa Bridge and the Cross of Anhanguera. An amount of US$ 50,000 was already approved by the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee.

XII.113 Following additional information provided by the State Party, the Bureau requested that a report be submitted by 1 February 2003 on the state of advancement of the restoration works carried out on the property for submission to its 27th session.

26 BUR XVI.1
Requests for International Assistance

XIV.1 The Bureau approved the following requests for international assistance:

Preparatory Assistance

Cultural - Asia - Pakistan

Preparatory assistance for the nomination of the archaeological remains at Ranigat as an extension of Taxila World Heritage site

The Bureau approved US$ 30,000, subject to the State Party paying its dues to the World Heritage Fund.

Technical Co-operation

Natural - Africa - Senegal

Derby Eland Monitoring Programme

The Bureau approved US$ 29,296 for this request, subject to the State Party paying its dues to the World Heritage Fund.

Preparatory Assistance

Natural - Arab States - Egypt

Meeting to prepare Tentative Lists for Natural Heritage in the Arab Region.

The Bureau approved this request for US$ 29,500.


Cultural - Europe - Norway

International Course on Wood Conservation Technology

The Bureau approved this request for US$ 30,000, requesting the State Party to take into consideration the comments of ICCROM.


Mixed - Latin America - Argentina

Sub-regional training workshop on Management and Administration of World Heritage properties.

The Bureau approved this request for US$ 22,350 requesting the World Heritage Centre to co-ordinate the implementation of the activity in close collaboration with the State Party as well as with the Advisory Bodies to ensure that the meeting is carried out with sub-regional participation.


Cultural - Latin America & Caribbean - Dominican Republic

Annual Seminary Workshop on Cultural Heritage Risk Prevention for the Caribbean and Central America

The Bureau approved this request for US$ 30,000, pending clarification by the State Party concerning the questions raised by ICCROM.


Cultural - Asia - Nepal

Emergency Technical-Co-operation for safeguarding measures at Lumbini, Birthplace of the Lord Buddha World Heritage site

The Bureau recommended reformulation of the request for re-examination by the Committee at its 26th session.


Cultural - Latin America & Caribbean - Brazil

Emergency Assistance for the Historic Centre of the City of Goiás (Rain and Overflows)

The Bureau approved US$ 7,288 as additional emergency assistance for this request.


Cultural - Latin America & Caribbean - Cuba

Emergency Assistance for the Convent of Santa Clara of Asissi, Old Havana and its Fortifications.

The Bureau approved US$ 75,000 for this activity.

Technical Co-operation

Cultural - Arab States - Algeria

Elaboration of a Preliminary Plan of Conservation and Development of the M’ Zab Valley.

The Bureau recommended approval of US$ 35,000 by the Committee, requesting the World Heritage Centre to coordinate the implementation of the activity in close collaboration with the national authorities concerned.


Cultural - Asia - Turkmenistan

Reinforcement of the capacities of the Department for Protection and Restoration of Monuments, Turkmenistan, to conserve the World Heritage site of Ancient Merv.

The Bureau approved an initial US$ 30,000 for commencing the activity, and recommended that the remaining US$ 38,814 be approved by the World Heritage Committee in June 2002.


Cultural - Asia - Uzbekistan

Restoration of the medersa “Rachid” at Bukhara World Heritage site ICOMOS

The Bureau recommended reformulation by the State Party and re-examination of the request by the Committee at its 26th session.

The Committee is requested to note the decision by the Bureau (please refer to document WHC-02/CONF.202/2 - paragraphs XII. 110-113.

Report year: 2002
Date of Inscription: 2001
Category: Cultural
Criteria: (ii)(iv)

* : The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).

** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.