N°: 964

Assistance for restoration work for Kandy monuments following the terrorist bombing in January 1998

Sri Lanka
State Party
25,000 USD
Approved amount
27 Jun 1998
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 1,671,428 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Emergency
Modality: Technical Cooperation
Previous Id: 1998-109
World Bank: LMC
N°: 964
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Bureau
Approved amount: 25,000 USD
Decision Date: 27 Jun 1998

Committee Decisions

Code: 22BUR VIII1


Dominica (Technical Co-operation for the Morne Trois Pitons National Park inscription ceremony and Regional Conference on the World Heritage Convention)

The Bureau approved US$ 30,000 for the organization of this regional conference.

United Republic of Tanzania (Technical Co-operation for a Natural Heritage Workshop for “Kilimanjaro Stakeholders”)

The Bureau approved US$ 30,000, subject to the Tanzanian authorities providing information concerning other organizations contributing to the activity and confirming the exact dates of the Workshop.


Bulgaria (Technical Co-operation for the purchase of dehumidifying equipment for the Boyana Church)

The Bureau approved up to US$ 25,000 for this request on the condition that the UNESCO Purchasing Unit assist the State Party in purchasing the necessary equipment.

Colombia (Technical Co-operation for the conservation of the National Archaeological Park of Tierradentro)

The Bureau approved US$ 30,000 for the structural conservation of the burial chambers at this site. 

Syrian Arab Republic (Technical Co-operation for the restoration and conservation of the Roman Baths in the south of the Ancient City of Bosra)

The Bureau approved US$ 30,000 for the restoration and conservation of the Roman Baths within the Ancient City of Bosra.

Turkey (Technical Co-operation for the “House of Fatih Inhabitants” within the Historic Centre of Istanbul)

The Bureau postponed the approval of this request for US$ 30,000 to its twenty-second extraordinary session.

The Bureau requested that maps clearly indicating the core and buffer zone of the Historic Centre of Istanbul as well as further detailed budget breakdown information be submitted to the Bureau for its examination.

Cambodia (Emergency Assistance for the restoration of the steps of the West Moat of Angkor Wat)

In view of the fact that the Emergency Assistance Reserve of the World Heritage Fund for 1998 was exhausted at the time this request was submitted, the Bureau approved US$ 28,595 under the Technical Co-operation budget for carrying out the hydrological and topographical studies.

The Bureau recommended that the State Party requests further funding under the 1999 World Heritage Fund budget after the completion of these studies.

Sri Lanka (Emergency Assistance for the Sacred City of Kandy)

In view of the fact that the Emergency Assistance Reserve of the World Heritage Fund for 1998 was exhausted at the time this request was considered, the Bureau approved US$ 25,000 out of the Technical Co-operation budget, to carry out the initial emergency measures for Dalada Maligawa, including a provision for an ICOMOS or ICCROM expert mission.

The Bureau recommended the State Party to request further funding under the 1999 World Heritage Fund budget.

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