N°: 95

Equipment and construction material for the restoration work at the Citadel Henry, National History Park

State Party
57,200 USD
Approved amount
17 Dec 1982
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 57,119 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Conservation
Modality: Technical Cooperation
Previous Id: 1982-018
Post Conflict: Yes
World Bank: LIC
LDC: Yes
SIDs: Yes
N°: 95
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 57,200 USD
Decision Date: 17 Dec 1982

Committee Decisions

Code: 06COM XII.41

On the basis of the recommendations of the working group, the Committee approved the following technical co-operation requests:

  • Bulgaria - Boyana, Ivanovo and Madara Rider (request 42-43-45.1): $48,000
  • Haiti - Citadel Henry, National History Park (request 180.1): $57,200
  • Honduras - Maya site of Copan (request 129.1): $24,050
  • Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Old City of Jerusalem (request 148.1): $100,000
  • Pakistan - Archaeological ruins of Moenjodaro (request 138.1): $34,000
  • Yugoslavia - Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor (request 125.1 rev): $50,000

Sub-total for technical co-operation requests concerning cultural properties: $313,250

  • Ethiopia - Simien National Park (request 9.1 rev): $21,000
  • Honduras - Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (request 196.1 rev): $67,025
  • Nepal - Sagarmatha National Park (request 120.1 3 rev): $61,995
  • Panama - Darien National Park (request 159.1 rev): $55,000
  • Senegal - Niokolo-Koba National Park (request 153.1 rev): $27,031
  • Senegal - Djoudj National Park (request 25.1 rev): $29,132
  • Seychelles - Aldabra Atoll (request 185.1): $21,000

Sub-total for technical co-operation requests concerning natural properties: $282,183

TOTAL concerning cultural and natural properties: $595,433

& 25% reserve for small-scale projects: $148,858

TOTAL: $744,291

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