N°: 754

Latin America and the Caribbean: Regional Course on Financial and Institutional Capacity-Building in Urban Rehabilitation in Historic Cities (CENCREM, Havana, Cuba, 3-15 November 1997)

State Party
30,000 USD
Approved amount
2 Dec 1996
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 30,000 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Conservation
Modality: Training
Previous Id: 1996-028
World Bank: LMC
SIDs: Yes
N°: 754
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Bureau
Approved amount: 30,000 USD
Decision Date: 2 Dec 1996

Committee Decisions

Code: 20EXTBUR A2.6


A.2.6 Latin America and the Caribbean: Regional Course on Financial and Institutional Capacity-Building in Urban Rehabilitation in Historic Cities (request submitted by Cuba) (US$ 30,000 requested)

The Bureau took note of the complementary nature of this course, organized in Cuba, with the one proposed by the Federal Uni versi ty of Pernambuco in Brazil.

The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 30,000 for the organization of this two-week course, which places the emphasis on funding and addresses decision-makers at the municipal level, and in particular those of World Heritage cities.

Read more about the decision