N°: 620

Regional training course of Maghreb architects for the conservation and protection of cultural monuments and sites (1944 and 1995, Tunisia)-Year 1994

State Party
50,000 USD
Approved amount
11 Dec 1993
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 100,000 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Conservation
Modality: Training
Previous Id: 1993-039
World Bank: LMC
N°: 620
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 50,000 USD
Decision Date: 11 Dec 1993

Committee Decisions


B. Training

Natural Heritage

School for the Training of Wildlife Specialists, Garoua/Cameroon
The Committee reviewed a request for US$ 43,667 for a training seminar to be held in Cameroon in 1994. The Committee approved a sum of US$ 35,000 pending receipt by the Centre of more detailed information and a justification of the estimated costs. 

Training Course - ENGREF (France)
The Committee reviewed a request for US$ 40,000 and after considerable discussion approved a sum of US$ 30,000 for a training course by ENGREF to be held in the Tai National Park and World Heritage site. The course was endorsed by the State Party (France). The funds are to be dispersed to facilitate the holding of the course in the World Heritage site as well as for travel and fellowships for participants from developing countries, in particular francophone Africa.

The Centre was requested to contact the course director and to continue discussions vis-a-vis the orientation of the course in relation to the World Heritage Convention and to seek possible linkages with this course and the training school in Garoua. The Committee also requested a comprehensive report from ENGREF on the outcome of the course and the content related to protection and management of World Heritage sites.

Cultural Heritage

Reqional training course of Maghreb architects for the conservation and protection of cultural monuments and sites (1994-1995), Tunisia
The Committee approved a request of US$ 50,000 for a regional training course for architects from countries in the Maghreb that will be held in Tunisia in 1994-1995. The course will be implemented by the National Heritage Institute of Tunisia in collaboration with ICCROM and ICOMOS and will train approximately twenty graduates in conservation and management of cultural heritage.

International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM)
The Committee approved a request for the amount of US$ 75,000 for fellowships for participants from states Parties (developing countries) for three regular ICCROM courses: architectural conservation, conservation of mural paintings and scientific principles of conservation.

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Code: 17EXTBUR VB.2.2.1


B.2 Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee

B.2.2 Training

B.2.2.1 Regional training course of Maghreb architects for the conservation and protection of cultural monuments and sites (1994 and 1995, Tunisia)

The Bureau decided to recommend the Committee to approve a request for training for the amount of US$ 50,000 under the 1994 budget for a two-year (1994-1995) post university course for about twenty graduates from the region of the Maghreb that will be organized by the National· Heritage Institute of Tunisia in close pedagogical and technical collaboration with ICCROM and ICOMOS, with the understanding that a request for the same amount for 1995 will be presented to the Committee at its eighteenth session.

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