N°: 395

Financial contribution to the inventory of the documentation on the site of Sao Miguel das Missoes

State Party
10,000 USD
Approved amount
8 Dec 1988
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 0 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Conservation
Modality: Technical Cooperation
Previous Id: 1989-007
World Bank: UMC
N°: 395
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 10,000 USD
Decision Date: 8 Dec 1988

Committee Decisions

Code: 12COM XIII58-59

58. The Committee

noted that the Bureau had examined in detail the requests presented in document SC-88/CONF.001/6 and /6.Add ;

noted that a number of modifications for certain requests had been received by the Secretariat since the document had been prepared;

also noted that the requests from Algeria, Ecuador, Sri Lanka and Zaire had already been recommended for approval by the previous Bureau at its twelfth session in June 1988.

59. In accordance with the procedures for granting international assistance set out in the Operational Guidelines adopted by the Committee (WHC/2 Revised, December 1988), the Committee approved the following requests:

A. Technical cooperation

1) Tassili N'Ajjer (Algeria)

Equipment and a financial contribution to improve visitors' services and protection of the cultural and natural heritage: $53,000


2) Sao Miguel das Missoes (Brazil)

Financial contribution for the inventory of the documentation on the site: $10,000


3) Talamanca-La Amistad (Costa Rica)

Equipment and financial contribution for strengthening the conservation of the Pacific sector of the site: $30,000


4) Galapagos Island (Ecuador)

Purchase of 2 boats for strengthening the protection of the site: $54,000


5) Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae (Greece)

Purchase of a portable micro-earthquake monitoring system for the Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae (also for use at other Greek World Heritage properties): $30,000


6) Bahla Fort (Oman)

Financial contribution to works and training for safeguarding the property: $50,000


7) Anuradhapura, Polonnaruva and Sigiraya (Sri Lanka)

Equipment for conservation and restoration of monuments (see also training below): $25,500


8) Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Tanzania)

2 vehicles (one tipper truck and one 4x4 pick-up) for constructions aimed at strengthening anti-poaching measures: $50,000


9) Durmitor National Park (Yugoslavia)

Purchase of equipment to investigate the causes of the decline in the size of population of some birds species and tree death (N.B. the Yugoslav authorities are encouraged to undertake this work as appropriate in cooperation with WMO concerning research on air pollutants. Following the work in Durmitor, all efforts should be made by the Yugoslav authorities to make the specialized equipment purchased under the Fund available for other World Heritage properties in the region. Finally, the Yugoslav authorities are requested to provide a report to the Secretariat on the use of all the research equipment provided under the Fund for this project): $38,000


10) Garamba National Park (Zaire)

2 vehicles to continue the activities of the WWF/Frankfurt Zoological Society/World Heritage consortium to combat poaching: $50,000


11) Virunga National Park (Zaire)

Equipment to improve protective measures in the Park: $40,000

TOTAL: $430,500

B. Training activities

Sri Lanka

Training component of the technical cooperation request for the cultural triangle (n°7 above): $33,500


International Course on the Technology of Stone Conservation (ICCROM)

Financial contribution to cover costs of the participation of fellows from developing countries which are States Parties to the Convention: $37,500

TOTAL: $71,000

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Code: 12BUR IX25

25. With regard to a request received from Brazil, submitted on 16 June 1988 for $30,000 towards a project for the conservation and management of the Jesuit missions of the Guarani, the Bureau agreed with the Chairman's suggestion that the approve project components up to an amount of $20,000. The remaining $10,000 for the project, which would bring its value to a total of $30,000, should be requested from the Committee at its next session.

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