N°: 2716

Intervention d'urgence post-tremblement de terre sur le site les ruines de León Viejo inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial

State Party
71,347 USD
Approved amount
12 Mar 2015
Decision Date
Process Step
House of Gonzalo Cano: restoration and consolidation of the part of the collapsed wall on the south side. The walls had cracks and holes along 35.7 m, and the walls were cracked along 191.69 m. | Instituto nicaragüense de Cultura | Image Source: Final report from State Party

The earthquake that struck Nicaragua in April 2014 hit the Pacific zone, mainly the departments of León and Managua, due to their proximity to the epicenter in the southwest of the lake, very close to Momotombo, the locality that is home to the site The Ruins of León Viejo, inscribed on the World Heritage List since 2000. The earthquake caused varying degrees of physical damage to most of the site's colonial structures.

The overall aim of the project was to mitigate the effects of the earthquake, in order to preserve the Outstanding Universal Value of the Ruins of León Viejo.


The following results were achieved: 

  • Updated files on 15 colonial structures, with planimetric and elevation surveys, photographic records, historical and conservation histories for each. The result of this activity has facilitated the process of diagnosing and planning restoration works. 
  • Restoration of 8 colonial structures, carried out over a period of 10 months by a specialist in the restoration of heritage properties and holder of a master's degree in architecture, with the help of 10 assistants and local labor. The structures were freed of all non-original, damaged or altered elements. New parts were incorporated into the structures, taking into account their original state and using materials compatible with those of the original. Finally, deteriorated wall structures were consolidated by incorporating talpuja (a combination of raw earth, sand, lime and pumice, all bonded with water) and mud bricks, and protected from the elements.
  • Development of a risk management plan valid for 10 years following a process of consultation and inter-institutional collaboration with the main national and local authorities. It provides for the necessary disaster prevention and mitigation measures to be implemented in the short, medium and long term to ensure the protection and conservation of all colonial structures of the site, and which takes into account all possible risks and hazards, whether natural or man-made, to which the site and surrounding territory are exposed. It is integrated into the Site Management Plan 2015-2019, as well as into the Momotombo Local Plan, the La Paz Centro Municipal Plan and the Municipal Development Plan.
Amount Requested: 71,347 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Emergency
World Bank: LMC
N°: 2716
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Chairperson
Approved amount: 71,347 USD
Decision Date: 12 Mar 2015