N°: 2321

State of conservation reports by IUCN

State Party
18,000 USD
Approved amount
26 Jun 1993
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 0 USD
Type of Assistance: Natural / Conservation
Modality: Technical Cooperation
World Bank:
N°: 2321
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Bureau
Approved amount: 18,000 USD
Decision Date: 26 Jun 1993

Committee Decisions

Code: 17BUR X1.D


The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 18,000 to IUCN for the following purposes:

(a) reimbursement of costs for implementing the Bureau's request, made at its last session in July 1992, for assessing measures taken to mitigate impacts of road construction in Niokolo-Koba National Park (Senegal) US$ 12,000

Preparation of a state of conservation report on sangay National Park by IUCN's Regional Office for Latin America US$ 2,000

Contribution for the preparation, by the IUCN Office in Nepal, of state of conservation reports on Sagarmatha and Royal Chitwan National Parks of Nepal US$ 4,000


The Bureau approved a sum of US$ 15,000 for the organization, by ICOMOS in co-operation with the Centre, of an expert meeting on global study.

The Bureau commended the Canadian Government for having provided a total of US$60,000 to the World Heritage Centre, to support ICOMOS investigations in Kizhi Pogost, Russian Federation (US$ 18,750), to organize a meeting to review issues related to authenticity (US$ 18,750) and for monitoring cultural heritage sites in the Asia Pacific region (US$ 22,500).

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