N°: 2320

ICCROM's technical assistance programme

State Party
25,000 USD
Approved amount
11 Dec 1993
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 0 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Conservation
Modality: Training
World Bank:
N°: 2320
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 25,000 USD
Decision Date: 11 Dec 1993

Committee Decisions


XIII.1 The Committee examined document WHC­93/CONF .002/10Rev of 5 December 1993 and the Rapporteur of the outgoing Bureau reported on the requests for international assistance approved by the Bureau as well as on the following recommendations to the Committee:

A. Technical Assistance

Natural Heritage

Sangay National Park, Ecuador
The Committee recalled that Sangay National Park was on the List of World Heritage in Danger. As requested, IUCN presented a monitoring report on the site. The Committee approved a request for US$ 28,500 for communications equipment, solar panels and donkeys and in addition, some graphic materials for interpretation and public communication.

Mount Nimba, Guinea
The Committee recalled that Mount Nimba in Guinea was included on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Bureau had recommended US$ 30,000 for technical assistance, however, in view of the need for on-site management, the Committee recommended that the full request for US$ 45,000 be approved. The funds should be used to provide for consulting services, operational equipment and on-site protection. In addition, a consultant should assist in the implementation of the new administrative centre for which legislation was being prepared. Furthermore, a consultant would organize a donors' meeting aimed at strengthening the management and protection of the site in association with the Biosphere Reserve Programme.

Komodo National Park, Indonesia
The Bureau recommended to the Committee to approve a sum of US$ 37,000, however after consultation with IUCN which had received new information, the Committee agreed to approve the full request of US $49,500, pending clarification of the training component of the project which involved US$12,500.

The technical assistance request included equipment purchases, staff training, socio-economic studies as well as the construction of wells.

Cultural Heritage

Serra da Capivara National Park, Brazil
The Committee reviewed a request for technical assistance for the Serra da Capivara National Park in Brazil, which consisted of two components: a request for US$ 25,000 for measures to protect some of the most visited rock painting sites and to facilitate visitation to these sites, and a request for US$ 28,000 for the purchase of equipment for the inventory and documentation of the rock paintings.

The Committee, upon the recommendation of the Bureau, approved an amount of US$ 15,000 under preparatory assistance as it was of the opinion that international expertise should be made available to the site managers with the objective to study the most appropriate protective measures for the rock paintings.

The Committee approved also the request for technical assistance for the amount of US$ 28,000 for the purchase of the necessary equipment for inventory and documentation activities.

Old Havana and its fortifications, Cuba
Having taken note of the monitoring report that was presented at its session, the Committee approved a request for technical assistance for the amount of US$ 55,000 for Old Havana. Following the recommendation of the monitoring mission, the Committee decided that these funds should be used exclusively for consolidation and restoration works in buildings that will be used for housing purposes.

Cliffs of Bandiaqara - Land of the Doqons, Mali
As recommended by the Bureau, the Committee approved a request for technical assistance for the amount of US$42, 000 for a pilot inventory project in three of the 300 villages in the site, each one representative of the three human settlement zones that characterize the site (the plateau, the eroded cliffs and the plain). The funds would be used for equipment (US$ 8,000), research (US$ 2,000), international and national expert services (US$ 29,000) and training activities (US$ 3,000).

International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM).

The Committee approved a request for the amount of US$ 25,000 for ICCROM's Technical Assistance programme which provides assistance in the form of material, small equipment, publications and expert services to States Parties.


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