N°: 2127

Emergency repairs of the Matriz Church and other buildings in Valparaiso Chile

State Party
140,688 USD
Approved amount
2 Aug 2010
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 524,046 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Emergency
World Bank: UMC
N°: 2127
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 140,688 USD
Decision Date: 2 Aug 2010

Committee Decisions

Code: 34COM 15.1

The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined document WHC-10/34.COM/15, 

2. Noting that paragraph 241 of the Operational Guidelines sets a deadline for             submission of Emergency Assistance requests to the World Heritage Committee,

3. Also noting that the need for such an assistance is by definition unpredictable,

4. Decides that the deadline for submission of Emergency Assistance requests to the World Heritage Committee will be deleted; and,

5. Requests the Secretariat to modify paragraph 241 of the Operational Guidelines accordingly.

6. Also decides to approve the following request:

Chile: Emergency repairs of the Matriz Church and other buildings in Valparaiso, for an amount of US$ 140,688, under the Emergency Assistance category, for priority interventions on the Matriz Church, the Guillermo Rivera Building, the Meyer Building and the Building in Bustamante Street, between Marquez and Valdivia Streets.

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