N°: 183

Financial contribution to restoration works concerning the Royal Palaces of Abomey

State Party
20,000 USD
Approved amount
6 Dec 1985
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 0 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Conservation
Modality: Technical Cooperation
Previous Id: 1985-004
World Bank: LIC
LDC: Yes
N°: 183
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 20,000 USD
Decision Date: 6 Dec 1985

Committee Decisions

Code: 09COM XIV.41

41. The Committee approved two requests concerning properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger:

- Benin - Royal Palaces of Abomey: $20,000

- Zaire: Garamba National Park: $20,000

The Committee authorized the Bureau to approve an additional amount of $20,000 under technical cooperation for this property subject to the receipt of an appropriate request.

Read more about the decision