N°: 1471

Ist Territorial and Urban Conservation Specialisation Distance Training Programme (ITUC/Aldt 2002) and 5th Territorial and Urban Conservation Specialisation Course (ITUC/BR 2003)

State Party
43,300 USD
Approved amount
16 Dec 2001
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 0 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Conservation
Modality: Training
Previous Id: 2002-689
World Bank: UMC
N°: 1471
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 43,300 USD
Decision Date: 16 Dec 2001

Committee Decisions

Code: 25COM XVIII.7

XVIII.7.1 NATURAL Côte d'Ivoire

National workshop on "Research contribution for the development and sustainable management of Taï National Park: The Committee approved US$30,514, requesting the State Party to integrate the recommendations of IUCN in fine-tuning the objectives of the proposed activity, and urging the State Party to pay its arrears to the World Heritage Fund.


AFRICA 2009: Conservation of Immovable Cultural Heritage in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Committee approved this request for the sub-Saharan African Region for an amount of US$100,000, noting that the activity be implemented by the World Heritage Centre, ICCROM and CRATerre-EAG, in accordance with established procedures governing the Africa 2009 training programme.


Workshop on mosaic conservation: The Centre informed the Committee that clarification on the points raised by ICCROM had been provided and that ICCROM supported the activity. The Committee approved this request for US$50,000.


Regional Seminar on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture: ICOMOS and ICCROM noted that the amount requested could be considered high, as the training workshop was only for three days. The Centre informed the Committee that the cost included travel support for participants from the region and that this seminar was an activity that could lead to a general capacity building for earthen architectural conservation in the Arab Region. The Committee approved US$43,340, requesting the World Heritage Centre to co-ordinate the organization of this training activity in close collaboration with CRATerre and the Ministry of National Heritage and Culture of Oman, ensuring that: (i) the detailed technical guidelines concerning baseline conservation, monitoring, and maintenance practices for earthen architecture in the region be included within the final publication; (ii) the proceedings and material resulting from the Workshop be widely distributed; (iii) a follow up strategy be discussed and adopted at the Seminar.


1st Territorial and Urban Conservation Specialization Distance Training Programme (ITUC/ALTD 2002) and 5th Territorial and Urban Conservation Specialization Course (ITUC/BR 2003) (Brazil): The Committee approved this request for US$43,300, requesting the State Party: (i) to follow ICCROM's recommendation to raise the percentage of places for participants from outside Brazil to 25 %; (ii) to submit the results of the group work to the World Heritage Centre after the activity is completed; (iii) to pay its arrears to the World Heritage Fund.


XII CECRE specialization course on the conservation of monuments and rehabilitation of historical cities: The Committee approved this request for US$50,000, requesting the State Party: (i) to include a substantial number of international trainees; (ii) to strengthen presentation of World Heritage themes in the CECRE programme; (iii) to publish the course proceedings at their own expense as assured in previous years; (iv) to pay its arrears to the World Heritage Fund.

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