N°: 1463

Capactity Building for Aldabra Atoll

State Party
44,150 USD
Approved amount
16 Dec 2001
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 0 USD
Type of Assistance: Natural / Conservation
Modality: Technical Cooperation
Previous Id: 2002-681
World Bank: UMC
SIDs: Yes
N°: 1463
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 44,150 USD
Decision Date: 16 Dec 2001

Committee Decisions

Code: 25COM XVIII.6

XVIII.6.1 NATURAL Seychelles

Enhancing the capacity of Aldabra Atoll management: The Secretariat informed the Committee that IUCN, while supporting the request had underlined the importance of ensuring that the boats and the engines purchased have minimal pollution and are easily maintained. The Committee approved US$44,150 for this activity, requesting the Centre to ensure through the UNESCO equipment purchasing unit that the engines purchased have minimum pollution emission and can be maintained.

XVIII.6.2 NATURAL Zimbabwe

Increasing the management capacity of Mosi-oatunya/ Victoria Falls and Mana Pools National Parks: The Centre informed the Committee that the State Party had paid its dues to the World Heritage Fund, and that additional information concerning the assessment of the current situation, particularly concerning existing equipment, had not yet reached the Centre. However, the Committee was informed that the State Party had assured the Centre that this additional information had been transmitted. Therefore, the Committee approved this request for an amount of US$63,708 on the condition that the Centre and IUCN receive the additional information, and the allocation of funds be made upon authorization by the Chairperson.

XVIII.6.3 CULTURAL The Philippines

Emergency Technical Co-operation for the enhancement of the conservation and management of the Rice Terraces of the Philippines Cordilleras: The Centre informed the Committee that the Advisory Bodies supported the request. The Committee approved US$75,000 subject to the State Party paying its dues to the World Heritage Fund, and requested that the national authorities implement the activity in close co-operation with the UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region (UNESCO Bangkok Office).

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