N°: 1366

Emergency Assistance for Rwenzori Mountains National Park

State Party
64,500 USD
Approved amount
30 Jun 2001
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 64,500 USD
Type of Assistance: Natural / Emergency
Previous Id: 2001-482
World Bank: LIC
LDC: Yes
N°: 1366
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Bureau
Approved amount: 64,500 USD
Decision Date: 30 Jun 2001

Committee Decisions

Code: 25BUR VII35

(iv) Emergency Assistance


Uganda - "Emergency Assistance for Rwenzori Mountains National Park"

VII.35 The Bureau approved this request for US$64,500 as Emergency Assistance on an exceptional basis and recommended that the Centre and IUCN co-operate with the State Party to obtain necessary information to ensure rapid and effective implementation of the project.

The Bureau noted that should the State Party find that the US$ 64,500 is insufficient to purchase the necessary equipment and undertake the construction and repair activities foreseen, the State Party may consider requesting supplementary funds for consideration by the twenty-fifth session of the Committee.

Read more about the decision