N°: 1235

ICCROM - Africa 2009, Conservation of Immovable Cultural Heritage in Sub-Saharan Africa (year 2000)

State Party
80,000 USD
Approved amount
3 Dec 1999
Decision Date
Process Step
Amount Requested: 80,000 USD
Type of Assistance: Cultural / Conservation
Modality: Training
Previous Id: 2000-322
World Bank:
N°: 1235
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved amount: 80,000 USD
Decision Date: 3 Dec 1999

Committee Decisions

Code: 23COM XV6.3

The Committee examined and approved the following 14 requests for international assistance for cultural heritage for a total of US$ 694,348, which had been recommended by the Bureau:

3.AFRICA(c).I REGIONAL Training assistance


US$ 80,000 requested US$ 80,000 approved

The Committee approved US$ 80,000 for this training activity in the sub-Saharan African region bearing in mind that the activity would be implemented by the World Heritage Centre, ICCROM and CRATerreEAG.

3.AFRICA(d).III ZIMBABWE Technical Co-operation

Implementation of a management plan for Khami Ruins

US$ 50,300 requested US$ 50,300 approved

The Committee approved US$ 50,300 for this activity, requesting the National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe to support the cost of connectivity of Internet after the year 2000 and to submit to the twenty-fifth session of the Committee, a report on the conservation, monitoring and management activities carried out at Khami in 1999 and 2000.

3.ARAB(c).I SYRIA Training assistance

Seminar on cultural tourism, sustainable development and management of World Heritage sites

US$ 58,000 requested US$ 35,000 approved

The Committee approved US$ 35,000, subject to the State Party reformulating the programme and budget in consultation with ICCROM.

3.ARAB(c).II TUNISIA Training assistance

Training and information international workshop for protecting Carthage

US$ 50,000 requested US$ 40,000 approved

The Committee referred the request, asking the State Party to undertake consultations with ICOMOS and ICCROM for reformulating the proposed activity. The Committee approved US$ 40,000 subject to the State Party reformulating the proposal in close co-operation with the advisory bodies.

3.ARAB(d).I EGPYT Technical Co-operation

Rehabilitation of Islamic Cairo

US$ 100,000 requested US$ 80,000 approved

The Committee decided to approve US$ 80,000, subject to the State Party providing further information on the details of the activities to the Advisory Bodies and approval of a revised budget by the Chairperson of the Committee.

3.ARAB(d).II LEBANON Technical Co-operation

Restoration works for the Monasteries of Ouadi Quadisha and Forest of the Cedars of God

US$ 50,000 requested US$ 35,000 approved

Following the evaluation by IUCN, ICOMOS and ICCROM, the Committee approved US$ 35,000 for the first phase of the activity proposed to take place in year 2000, requesting the State Party to consult IUCN in undertaking the ecological research, and to consult ICOMOS and ICCROM on the international experts to be engaged for this activity.

The Committee recommended that the State Party submit a request for US$ 15,000 for the second phase of the activity in year 2001.

3.ASIA(b).I VIETNAM Emergency assistance

Emergency assistance for Hue & Hoi An, following the floods of November 1999.

US$ 100,000 requested US$ 50,000 approved

The Committee recalled that it had already taken a decision to allocate US$ 50,000 during the agenda item concerning the state of conservation reports. The Committee approved US$ 50,000 to assist the State Party in the rehabilitation works of Hue and Hoi An and for the preparation of a comprehensive emergency rehabilitation programme including risk assessment and mitigation schemes.

3.ASIA(c).II. LAOS Training assistance

Plain of Jars archaeological survey and documentation

US$ 83,055 requested US$ 30,000 approved

The Committee approved US$ 30,000, requesting the State Party to revise the budget in co-operation with the UNESCO Bangkok Office, or to find co-financing from other extrabudgetary sources.

3.ASIA(c).VI UZBEKISTAN Training assistance

Training Workshop in the Preparation of the World Heritage Nomination Files on Urban Heritage Sites

US$ 41,000 requested US$ 30,000 approved

The Committee approved US$ 30,000 for the activity.

XV.7 The Committee noted that the last-minute submissions of international assistance requests resulted in great constraints on the part of the Secretariat and the advisory bodies, and reiterated the need to respect deadlines in submitting requests.

1.EUROPE(c).I HUNGARY Training assistance

ITUC training workshop for Central European Historic Cities managers

US$ 33,840 requested US$ 33,840 approved

1.EUROPE(d).I GEORGIA Technical Co-operation

Study and development of the Mtskheta Heritage and Tourism Master Plan

US$ 35,000 requested US$ 35,000 approved

The Committee approved US$ 35,000, subject to the State Party paying its outstanding dues to the World Heritage Fund for 1998 and 1999.

3.EUROPE(d).IV TURKEY Technical Co-operation

Completion of documentation of the buildings and monuments within the city walls of the Historic Centre of Istanbul site

US$ 58,376 requested US$ 35,208 approved

The Committee noted that the State Party had agreed to the revised budget proposed by the World Heritage Centre, endorsed by ICOMOS and ICCROM.

The Committee therefore approved US$ 35,208.

3.LATIN(b).III MEXICO Emergency assistance

Repair and consolidate Monastery of Tochimilco, Puebla

US$ 100,000 requested US$ 100,000 approved

The Committee approved US$ 100,000 for this activity, subject to the State Party submitting a detailed budget breakdown and clarification and identification on the tasks planned, to be approved by the Chairperson.

3.LATIN(d).I COLOMBIA Technical Co-operation

Integral conservation of Cloister of San Pedro Claver of Cartagena de Indias

US$ 60,000 requested US$ 60,000 approved

The Committee noted that a detailed budget breakdown of the activities to be carried out had been submitted to the Secretariat, which found the information to be sufficient and reasonable.

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