
States Parties: Kenya
Year of approval: All
The World Heritage Centre is in the process of review old entries. Some numbers given below could be wrong.

Requests Approved: Kenya

ID Type of Assistance Year Amount
(in US$)
Project Title World Heritage Property
3423 Cultural / Emergency 2023 15,800 Reconstruction and stabilization of sections of Thimlich Ohinga dry stone walls Thimlich Ohinga Archaeological Site  
3275 Cultural / Conservation 2021 29,660 Strengthening governance and management structures at the Lamu Old Town World Heritage Site Lamu Old Town  
2839 Cultural / Preparatory 2016 21,400 Revision of Thimlich Ohinga nomination dossier Thimlich Ohinga Archaeological Site  
2130 Cultural / Preparatory 2010 29,990 Preparation of nomination dossier for Thimlich Ohinga Cultural Landscape for inscription into the UNESCO World Heritage List. Thimlich Ohinga Archaeological Site  
2132 Cultural / Conservation 2010 8,900 Listed Lamu Old Town. Action plans scheme project and methods to support the management plan Lamu Old Town  
1814 2006 29,900 Regional experts meeting on the harmonization of sites in the Eastern African Great Rift Valley Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley  
1727 Cultural / Conservation 2004 6,952 Rehabilitation of Lamu waterfront (raising of sea wall levels and provision of stone benches) Lamu Old Town  
1709 Cultural / Preparatory 2004 16,500 Preparation for the nomination file for Fort Jesus/Old Town Mombasa Fort Jesus, Mombasa  
1461 Natural / preparatory 2002 12,870 Preparation of a nomination dossier for the Mijikenda Kaya Forests of Kenya Sacred Mijikenda Kaya Forests  
1449 2001 20,000 Periodic Reporting Exercise follow up meeting  
1420 Natural / preparatory 2001 10,000 Finalising the nomination files for "Lake Turkana National Parks" (Sibiloi/Central Island National Parks - Extension - and South Island National Park) and Rift Valley Lakes Reserve Lake Turkana National Parks  
1394 2001 15,000 Great Rift Valley as a mixed nomination Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley  
1297 Natural / Conservation 2000 25,000 Management Planning Proposal for " Mount Kenya National Park/Natural Forest World Heritage Site Management Plan" Mount Kenya National Park/Natural Forest  
1298 Natural / Conservation 2000 25,300 Management Plan Project: "Sibiloi/Central Island National Parks World Heritage Site Management Plan" Lake Turkana National Parks  
1188 Cultural / Preparatory 2000 15,924 Lamu: Preparation of a nomination file Lamu Old Town  
1213 Natural / preparatory 1999 30,000 Preparation of nomination file for "Great Rift Valley Lakes System": Lakes Nakuru and Naivasha National Parks and Lake Bogoria National Reserve Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley  
540 Natural / preparatory 1991 10,000 Regional preparatory meeting for co-ordinating inputs from anglophone African countries to the IVth World Parks Congress (Nairobi, Kenya, 16-19 July 1991)  
Total: 17 request(s) 323,196

By amounts approved

Budget ceilings Number of IA requests
Up to 5,000 USD 0
Between 5,001 USD and 75,000 USD 17
Over 75,000 USD 0
Total 17

By category and Type of Assistance

Category Conservation Preparatory Emergency Number of IA requests
culture 3 4 1 8
nature 2 4 0 6
mixed 1 2 0 3
Total 6 10 1 17

Number of Requests and amount approved by types and budget year

The budget year can be different from the year of approval. Example: a request X is approved in 1997, 50% against 1997 budget and 50% against 1998 budget. This request will then appear twice: once against 1997 budget year, and once against 1998 budget year.

Budget Year Number of Requests Approved against budget year Amount approved Preparatory Conservation Emergency
1991 1 10,000 USD 10,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2000 4 96,224 USD 45,924 USD (2) 50,300 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
2001 3 45,000 USD 25,000 USD (2) 20,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2002 1 12,870 USD 12,870 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2003 1 300 USD 300 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2004 2 23,452 USD 16,500 USD (1) 6,952 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2006 1 29,900 USD 29,900 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2010 2 38,890 USD 29,990 USD (1) 8,900 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2016 1 21,400 USD 21,400 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2021 1 29,660 USD 0 USD (0) 29,660 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2023 1 15,800 USD 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0) 15,800 USD (1)
Total 18 323,496 USD 191,884 USD (11) 115,812 USD (6) 15,800 USD (1)

Number of Requests and amount approved by types and year of approval

In this table, each request appears only once

Year of approval Number of Requests Approved Amount approved Preparatory Conservation Emergency
1991 1 10,000 USD 10,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
1999 1 30,000 USD 30,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2000 3 66,224 USD 15,924 USD (1) 50,300 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
2001 3 45,000 USD 25,000 USD (2) 20,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2002 1 13,170 USD 13,170 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2004 2 23,452 USD 16,500 USD (1) 6,952 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2006 1 29,900 USD 29,900 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2010 2 38,890 USD 29,990 USD (1) 8,900 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2016 1 21,400 USD 21,400 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2021 1 29,660 USD 0 USD (0) 29,660 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
2023 1 15,800 USD 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0) 15,800 USD (1)
Total 17 323,496 USD 191,884 USD (10) 115,812 USD (6) 15,800 USD (1)