
States Parties: Burkina Faso
Year of approval: All
The World Heritage Centre is in the process of review old entries. Some numbers given below could be wrong.

Requests Approved: Burkina Faso

ID Type of Assistance Year Amount
(in US$)
Project Title World Heritage Property
3414 2023 30,000 Actualisation de la Liste indicative du Burkina Faso  
2618 Cultural / Preparatory 2014 29,994 Lancement de l’élaboration de la proposition d’inscription des sites de métallurgie ancienne de réduction du fer dans les espaces boose et bwi : Ronguin, Tiwega, Yamane, Kindbo, Bekuy, Douroula Ancient Ferrous Metallurgy Sites of Burkina Faso  
1841 Cultural / Preparatory 2007 30,000 Finalisation du dossier de proposition d'inscription des Ruines de Loropeni (Burkina Faso) Ruins of Loropéni  
1713 Cultural / Preparatory 2004 20,000 Preparation of a nomination dossier for the property "Stone ruins of Loropeni (Province of Poni)" Ruins of Loropéni  
1518 Cultural / Conservation 2002 15,000 Séminaire de formation et de sensibilisation de la population locale en vue de l'inscription des Ruines de Loropéni sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial. (NOT IMPLEMENTED) Ruins of Loropéni  
1541 Cultural / Conservation 2002 15,000 Séminaire de sensibilisation de la population locale en vue d'inscrire les gravures rupestres de Pobé Mengao sur la Liste du PM.  
633 Cultural / Preparatory 1994 15,000 Preparation of Tentative List  
319 Natural / Conservation 1988 2,100 Participation of one expert in the Seminar on integrated management in Arid-Land Biosphere Reserve in Kenya (10-20 October 1988)  
Total: 8 request(s) 157,094

By amounts approved

Budget ceilings Number of IA requests
Up to 5,000 USD 1
Between 5,001 USD and 75,000 USD 7
Over 75,000 USD 0
Total 8

By category and Type of Assistance

Category Conservation Preparatory Emergency Number of IA requests
culture 2 4 0 6
nature 1 0 0 1
mixed 0 1 0 1
Total 3 5 0 8

Number of Requests and amount approved by types and budget year

The budget year can be different from the year of approval. Example: a request X is approved in 1997, 50% against 1997 budget and 50% against 1998 budget. This request will then appear twice: once against 1997 budget year, and once against 1998 budget year.

Budget Year Number of Requests Approved against budget year Amount approved Preparatory Conservation Emergency
1988 1 2,100 USD 0 USD (0) 2,100 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1994 1 6,313 USD 6,313 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
1995 1 8,687 USD 8,687 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2002 3 30,000 USD 0 USD (0) 30,000 USD (3) 0 USD (0)
2004 1 20,000 USD 20,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2007 1 30,000 USD 30,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2014 1 29,994 USD 29,994 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2023 2 30,000 USD 30,000 USD (2) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
Total 11 157,094 USD 124,994 USD (7) 32,100 USD (4) 0 USD (0)

Number of Requests and amount approved by types and year of approval

In this table, each request appears only once

Year of approval Number of Requests Approved Amount approved Preparatory Conservation Emergency
1988 1 2,100 USD 0 USD (0) 2,100 USD (1) 0 USD (0)
1994 1 15,000 USD 15,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2002 2 30,000 USD 0 USD (0) 30,000 USD (2) 0 USD (0)
2004 1 20,000 USD 20,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2007 1 30,000 USD 30,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2014 1 29,994 USD 29,994 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
2023 1 30,000 USD 30,000 USD (1) 0 USD (0) 0 USD (0)
Total 8 157,094 USD 124,994 USD (5) 32,100 USD (3) 0 USD (0)