2403 actualités
mercredi 2 juillet 1997
[Uniquement en anglais] in the environment of EU INFO2000 programme has been realized a proposal regarding an Archaeological Geographic Information System in the Mediterranean area. In this first phase a demo prototype on the Via Aurelia (Italy) and Via Domizia (France) is working at the address: www.aec2000.it/archeologis
samedi 28 juin 1997
[Uniquement en anglais] The twenty-first session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee was held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 23 to 28 June 1997. The seven Bureau members, Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Morocco and Niger, were joined by observer delegations from thirty-seven other States Parties, as well as representatives of the Advisory Bodies.The agenda included ...
lundi 23 juin 1997
[Uniquement en anglais] The Asia & West Pacific Network for Urban Conservation (AWPNUC) was formed in 1991 for the purpose of exchanging cultural information and technical expertise in the area of urban conservation. The members are predominantly urban conservation advocates, professionals and practitioners who are actively involved in international networking and/or projects outside their ...