10 Documents
Year of Publication: 1976close
Pit grave with the bones of a person buried in a crouched position - Kitakogane Site
Year: 1976
State Party: Japan
Site: Jomon Prehistoric Sites in Northern Japan
Copyright: Date City
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: Date City Board of Education
Size: 1417x1016 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.09 Compte rendu des travaux
Code: SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.09
Year: 1976
Session: 01GA
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents
SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.09 Summary Record
Code: SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.09
Year: 1976
Session: 01GA
Language: English en
Category: Statutory documents
SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.02 Reglement interieur provisoire
Code: SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.02
Year: 1976
Session: 01GA
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents
SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.02 Provisional Rules of Procedure
Code: SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.02
Year: 1976
Session: 01GA
Language: English en
Category: Statutory documents
SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.01 Ordre du jour provisoire
Code: SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.01
Year: 1976
Session: 01GA
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents
SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.01 Provisional Agenda
Code: SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.01
Year: 1976
Session: 01GA
Language: English en
Category: Statutory documents
SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.03 Fonds pour la protectlon du patrimoine mondial, culturel et naturel
Code: SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.03
Year: 1976
Session: 01GA
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents
SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.03 Fund for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
Code: SHC-76/CONF.014/COL.03
Year: 1976
Session: 01GA
Language: English en
Category: Statutory documents