19 EXT.BUR IV.A.1.1
[Uniquement en anglais] Examination of requests for International Assistance - Natural Heritage - Requests recommended by the Bureau for approval by the Committee - Technical Cooperation
[Uniquement en anglais] Komodo National Park (Indonesia) (US$ 64,500 requested)
The Bureau reviewed the request for the purchase of a fibreglass catamaran boat and additional accessories for the GIS system for a total of US$ 64,500. However, in the light of the amount of funds already provided for the purchase of boats for the site, the Bureau recommended the Committee to approve the above project for a reduced amount of US$ 30,000, under the condition that the Indonesian authorities find an additional US$ 30,000 from other sources for its purchase. It furthermore suggested that the boat ...
19 EXT.BUR IV.A.1.2
[Uniquement en anglais] Examination of requests for International Assistance - Natural Heritage - Requests recommended by the Bureau for approval by the Committee - Training
[Uniquement en anglais] College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka (Tanzania) (US$ 30,000 requested)
The Bureau recommended the Committee to approve an amount of US$ 30,000 for three students to attend the one-year course (1996/97) at the College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, Tanzania, requesting the Centre to contact the Principal of the School to provide a detailed financial breakdown for each of the students.
19 EXT.BUR IV.B.1.1
[Uniquement en anglais] Examination of requests for International Assistance - Cultural Heritage - Requests recommended by the Bureau for approval by the Committee - Technical Cooperation
[Uniquement en anglais] Preparation of Guidelines for Risk Preparedness for World Heritage Sites (request presented by ICOMOS) (US$ 30,000 requested)
The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve the request of US$ 30,000 for the preparation and publication of the "Guidelines for Risk Preparedness for World Cultural Heritage Sites" in 1,000 copies. IUCN should be associated. US$ 15,000 should be provided to ICOMOS from the 1996 budget and the remaining amount would be included in the 1997 budget.
Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos (Bolivia) (US$ 30,000 requested)
The Bureau ...
19 EXT.BUR IV.B.1.2
[Uniquement en anglais] Examination of requests for International Assistance - Cultural Heritage - Requests recommended by the Bureau for approval by the Committee - Training
[Uniquement en anglais] Inter-regional Postgraduate course in the Conservation of Monuments and the Rehabilitation of Historical cities (CECRE) (Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, March-December 1996): Request for international professors submitted by Brazil (US$ 45,000 requested)
The Bureau recommended the Committee to approve an amount of US$ 30,000 for six international professors.
Inter-regional Postgraduate course in the Conservation of Monuments and the Rehabilitation of Historical Cities (CECRE) (Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, March-December 1996): Request for fellowships for ten ...
19 EXT.BUR IV.B.2.1
[Uniquement en anglais] Examination of requests for International Assistance - Cultural Heritage - Requests not recommended by the Bureau - Technical Cooperation
[Uniquement en anglais] Historical centre of Mompox (Colombia) (US$ 30,000 requested)
The Bureau recommended that the State Party revise the request for a smaller amount and resubmit it to the Chairperson of the Committee.