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World Heritage Convention

2 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Session: 10COM 1986
Theme: World Heritage Convention
By Year
31. Mr. Ian Christie Clark (Canada), one of the four Rapporteurs entrusted by the Special Committee of the Executive Board with an in-depth study on International Campaigns for the Preservation and Safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage of Mankind informed the Committee of the findings of that study (document 23 C/INF.25). The study described the success of the earlier campaigns but pointed out that only very limited degrees of success had been achieved in respect of the other campaigns due in part to the rapid growth in their number. The speaker indicated that whereas it would be logical ...
49. The Committee noted the report on the discussion of this item at the Bureau meeting, at which no consensus had been reached, with some members holding that there should be no limit placed on the number of terms of office of members of the Committee, while others were of the opinion that there were good grounds to change the present system (document CC-86/CONF.003/9). 50. One member suggested that the Committee consider recommending to all States Parties at the next General Assembly that the Assembly adopt a procedure whereby, prior to the election of States to the Committee, the ...