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World Heritage Convention

7 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year end: 1983
Session: 04GA 1983
By Year
The Fourth General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage met at Unesco Headquarters in Paris on 28 October 1983 during the 22nd session of the General Conference. Sixty-four of the seventy-five States which were parties to the Convention as at 28 October 1983 and which thus had the right to vote, were represented at the meeting, namely : Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, Central African Republic, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, ...
7. The General Assembly elected by acclamation Mr. Beschaouch (Tunisia), as Chairman,. the representatives of Brazil, Bulgaria, Malawi and Pakistan as Vice-chairmen and Mlle Mireille Jardin (France) as Rapporteur.
9. The representative of the Bureau of the Comptroller intro­duced document CLT-83/CONF.022/2 by which the accounts of the Fund were submitted to the General Assembly in accordance with the Financial Regulations of the World Heritage Fund. He drew attention to the accounts for the financial period which terminated on 31 December 1980 given in annex I of the document as well as to the interim statement for the three-year financial period 1981-1983 drawn up as at 31 July 1983 set out in annex II. The Assembly was informed of contributions which had been received from several States Parties ...
12. On the proposal of the Chairman, the General Assembly decided unanimously to maintain for the financial period 1984-1985 the amount of the contribution to be paid to the World Heritage Fund foreseen in Article 16, paragraph 1, of the Convention at 1% of the contribution of States Parties to the Regular Budget of UNESCO .
17. The Assistant Director-General for Culture offered his congratulations to those States which had been elected to the He formulated the wish that the interest of States for the Convention which had been manifest during the Fourth General Assembly notably by the numerous candidatures submitted for election to the Committee would be pursued by the effective participation of all States Parties in the implementation of the Convention.
18. Before declaring the meeting closed, the Chairman congratulated the Secretariat for its work in the implementation of the He expressed the hope that the Secretariat would continue to receive, on the part of UNESCO as well as under the World Heritage Fund, the necessary assistance for the pursuit of the work accomplished. In concluding he announced that the 7th Session of the World Heritage Committee would be held in Florence from 5 – 9 December 1983 at the generous invitation of the Italian authorities.