Capacity Building
Credibility of the World Heritage ...
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International Assistance
List of World Heritage in Danger
Operational Guidelines
Outstanding Universal Value
Periodic Reporting
Reinforced Monitoring
Tentative Lists
Working methods and tools
World Heritage Convention

118 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1993
Year end: 1993
Session: 17COM 1993
By Year
XII.2 The Committee also established an Emergency Reserve. In accordance with Financial Regulation, Article 5.1, an amount of US $1 million shall be transferred from the undisposed balance of the Fund to a Reserve Fund to meet requests for assistance resulting from disasters or natural calamities. Expenditure from the Reserve Fund should be made in accordance with the operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention.  Approved Emergency Reserve for 1994 and Indicative Reserve for ...
III.1 The Delegate of the United States of America proposed that a new item be added on the revised provisional agenda, immediately after the Report of the Rapporteur, which would be 'Management and staffing of the World Heritage Centre'. Following this motion, seconded by Delegates of Germany and Thailand, the Committee adopted the revised agenda as amended.
IV.1 Ms Olga Pizano (Colombia) was elected Chairperson of the Committee by acclamation. Mr D. José Guirao Cabrera (Spain) was elected Rapporteur, also by acclamation, and the following members of the Committee were elected as Vice-Chairpersons: China, Oman, Senegal, Thailand and the United States of America.
VII.9 The Committee discussed further the management and staffing of the World Heritage Centre after having taken note of the proposal prepared by the working group consisting of China, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, Senegal, Thailand and the United States of America. Based on the conclusions of this working group, the Committee agreed on the importance of the World Heritage Centre as a unified body within the Secretariat of UNESCO. Furthermore, the Committee underlined that the determination of needs on staffing and funding levels can only be reached based on a clarification of the ...
VIII.1 The Secretary of the Committee, Mr von Droste, first explained the rationale for setting-up a budget sub­committee, pointing out that its main tasks would be to (i) review the statement of the accounts; (ii) fix the budgetary ceiling; (iii) establish a reserve fund and (iv) allocate amounts to each budgetary line. Thereupon the Committee decided that the Sub-Committee would consist of the members of the previous and the new Bureau. It was asked to report to the Committee before the end of the session. (See Part XII of the Report.)
IX.1 The Secretariat introduced the working document WHC-93/CONF.002/4 and recalled that the World Heritage Committee at its sixteenth session in Santa Fe requested the Centre to convene an expert meeting on the methodology of monitoring. The working document outlines the main conclusions of the expert meeting that was held at the World Conservation Monitoring Centre in Cambridge, U.K., from 1 to 4 November 1993. The report of this meeting was made available to the Committee as information document WHC-93/CONF.2/INF.5. IX.2 The Secretariat emphasized that this document is a progress ...
Sangay National Park (Ecuador)  The Representative of IUCN recalled that the site was inscribed in 1983 and added to the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992 due to threats from poachers, boundary encroachment and unplanned road construction. A field mission was conducted by IUCN's Office in Ecuador and the Committee discussed the proposed six-point action plan including the recommendation that an environmental impact assessment of the road construction be undertaken. The technical assistance request for Sangay National Park (US$ 28,500) will be reviewed in the light of the ...
Tikal National Park (Guatemala) The Committee noted the prospects to expand the size of the site from 57,400 ha to 85,000 ha to include a substantial area of undisturbed natural forest and that a buffer zone project on agroforestry is being carried out with funding from Danish Government sources (DANIDA). The Centre is requested to send a letter to the authorities in Guatemala informing them of the opportunity which exists to apply for assistance for the preparation of a new nomination incorporating all the new elements of the site, both cultural and ...
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (India) The Committee recalled that the site was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger at its sixteenth session in 1992 due to threats caused by the encroachment of the Bodo tribe. No response had been received from the Government of India to several letters transmitting the Committee's previous requests for information since 1990. The Director of the World Heritage Centre informed the Committee furthermore that a mission to India was undertaken by a staff member of the Centre to contact the authorities directly. The Committee had an extensive ...
Royal Chitwan National Park (Nepal) On the basis of a detailed report provided by the IUCN Office in Nepal, a state of conservation report on this site was presented. A number of threats were noted including poaching of the rhinoceros and tiger populations in the Park. It was further noted that the 1976 Management Plan does not address many of the current management issues and thus urgently requires updating. The new legislation providing for a buffer zone around the Park is, however, a commendable step and should be implemented as soon as possible. The Committee requested the Centre to ...
Air et Tenere National Nature Reserve (Niger) The Committee recalled that the site was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger at its session in 1992. The Committee noted that very little could be done until political negotiations are concluded. It was further noted that the Centre had sent condolences to the families of the reserve staff who were killed during the civil disturbances at the site.
Sinharaja Forest Reserve (Sri Lanka) The Committee recalled that this site is protected as a National Wilderness Area and had been listed on the World Heritage List since 1988. There are many incremental threats to the site, but the Committee noted that a Management Plan to address these had been completed. It was further noted that continued monitoring of the site should be implemented as a priority activity of the Plan. The Committee noted the contribution of the Government of Norway of US$ 600,000 over a four-year period for the implementation of the Plan. The Committee asked the ...
Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Tanzania) The Committee recalled that the site was removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1990 and noted the recommendations and discussion of the seventeenth session of the Bureau concerning uncontrolled cultivation in the conservation area. Technically, this cultivation is not permissible under the legislation for the area and much damage to natural values had been caused. The Director of the World Heritage Centre and the Director of the UNESCO Division of Physical Heritage provided information regarding the situation of the site's cultural ...
Virunga National Park (Zaire) IUCN reported on the difficult social and economic situation which is creating serious negative impacts on Virunga National Park. However, the emergency assistance project funded by the World Heritage Fund and carried out by WWF since its approval by the Bureau in June 1993, had positive effects for the protection of the site. The Committee discussed in detail the impact of listing the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger and IUCN confirmed that Virunga National Park would definitely be a candidate for this procedure. After considerable discussion ...
Victoria Falls National Park (Zimbabwe/Zambia) IUCN reported about the proposed construction of a dam (Batoka Gorge Hydro Power Scheme), which would not affect the Falls but would have a serious impact on the lower gorges, changing the character of the site from a turbulent river to a hydroelectric reservoir. The Committee was informed about an environmental impact assessment to which the IUCN Office in Harare was contributing technical assistance. The Committee requested the Centre to invite the authorities of both Zimbabwe and Zambia to activate the joint Victoria Falls World Heritage ...
Plitvice Lakes National Park (Croatia) The Centre informed the Committee that a mission was carried out in September 1993 in cooperation with IUCN to Plitvice Lakes National Park. The report noted the continuing cooperation of the authorities in the region as well as that of the United Nations Protection Forces (UNPROFOR). The report underlined the current situation whereby the natural values of the Park are intact and essentially recovering. There was no evidence of new damage to the Park as a result of the ongoing war in the region. However, social tension had increased and the ...
Mount Nimba Nature Reserve (Guinea/Côte d'Ivoire) The Committee recalled that this site was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger at its sixteenth session in 1992. In its presentation, IUCN continued to stress its concern over the long-term risks associated with potential mining operations adjacent to the World Heritage site. It further noted the growing population pressure in the region. Recalling that a comprehensive report had been submitted to the Bureau in June 1993, the Secretariat highlighted several developments which occurred since the mission in May 1993. A ...
Everglades National Park (United States of America) The Committee recalled that the damage caused to the site by Hurricane Andrew on 24 August 1992 was discussed at the sixteenth session of the Committee. Further discussion on the ecological impacts took place at the seventeenth session of the Bureau. IUCN reported that it had not been able to carry out a site mission. The United States Delegation informed the Committee that the Superintendent of the Everglades National Park was present and that he would be pleased to present a report. The Superintendent indicated that a significant ...
Niokolo-Koba National Park (Senegal) The Representative of IUCN informed the Committee that the road project was almost completed and that the University of Dakar had finished an environmental assessment study on the impacts of the road construction. A donors' round table was held in June and has led to a project supported by the French Government for the future management of the Park. The Centre was requested to transmit the Committee's views to the appropriate authorities in Senegal and to be kept informed about the long-term effects of the improved road access on the Park. In the ...
Antigua Guatemala (Guatemala) A comprehensive plan for the integral conservation and rehabilitation of the city should be prepared, particularly in relation to traffic flow, tourism and housing. Such a plan should lead to projects for urban rehabilitation and tourism development. A further concern is the state of conservation of the numerous ruins in the city that are in danger of collapse in the event of an earthquake.
Historic Town of Ouro Preto (Brazil) Important measures were taken by the municipal authorities to improve the traffic flow in the city and extensive work has been done to shore-up the hill slopes around the city. National and international tourism creates certain problems and an integral rehabilitation plan would have to be developed so as to improve the effects of tourism.
Port, Fortresses and Group of Monuments, Cartagena (Colombia) World Heritage assistance has led to the preparation of a municipal legislation for the historical centre. Further assistance was approved by the Bureau for the preparation of a Master Plan for the centre in relation to an overall urban development plan. The Committee was informed of the plans to construct a new bridge, the Heredia Bridge, between the town and Fort San Felipe, just outside the ramparts of the city. This bridge would seriously affect the visual aspect of the site and would disrupt the visual and functional ...
Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu (Peru) As part of the assistance provided by the World Heritage Fund, an international archaeological seminar was held in September 1993 with the participation of national and international experts and bilateral cooperating agencies. The seminar concluded that coordination should be improved among institutions dealing with the Park's management, that an inventory of the cultural and natural resources should be pursued and that archaeological research and conservation actions should be redefined. The preparation of an operational plan for the Park should ...
San Francisco de Lima (Peru)  Restoration of this convent, now forming part of the site of the Historical Centre of Lima, continues with the support of national agencies and bilateral cooperation. Improvement of the environment of the convent will be undertaken in the context of a major rehabilitation plan for the Historical Centre of Lima.
City of Quito (Ecuador) A master plan for the historical centre is in preparation and numerous restoration works have been undertaken over the past years. Advice on the structural reinforcement of some of the churches will be provided in 1994 with the financial support of the World Heritage Fund. Restricted financial resources, however, have slowed down the restoration programme.
Sites: City of Quito
Salvador de Bahia (Brazil) Major works are in progress for the restoration and renewal of the historic city, particularly the Pelourinho area. The new functions of this area and the relocation of its inhabitants is of great concern. Involvement of the cultural heritage and planning institutions is required. With World Heritage support, an international team of experts, together with local and regional authorities, will look into this matter in early 1994.
Portobelo-San Lorenzo (Panama) The state of conservation of the site had beens studied by an expert mission in 1993. The mission concluded that the Fortress of San Lorenzo was in an acceptable state of conservation, although stone conservation requires some special attention. The city of Portobelo is under pressure from increased population and deficient infrastructure. An action plan was drawn up for the execution of the necessary archaeological survey before construction works are undertaken in the town. Underwater excavations should not be considered as a ...
La Fortaleza and San Juan Historic Site, Puerto Rico (United States of America) Conservation operations in San Juan are of high quality and well carried out in collaboration with the Park Service. No specific problem areas were identified.
Historic Centre of the Town of Olinda (Brazil) Olinda has been included in a major IDB-funded tourism development project for the north-east of Brazil. Management and conservation of the cultural heritage resources in the context of the urban cultural and tourism development in Olinda should therefore require special attention.
Tikal National Park (Guatemala) A well structured management plan for the Park as a whole was required. Stone and stucco conservation was of concern and the creation of an in-situ stone conservation laboratory should be considered. Sub-regional cooperation with other archaeological sites (e.g. Copan) should be promoted.
City of Potosi (Bolivia) Sanitation of the river La Ribera was considered a priority as this affects both the historic fabric and the health of the population. Furthermore, special attention is required for the restoration and upgrading of the housing stock and the archaeological industrial heritage. The capacity of the municipality to enforce protective legislation should be increased. World Heritage assistance for the conservation of recently discovered mural paintings in La Merced should be considered. Implementation of such assistance could be facilitated through already existing ...
Historic City of Sucre (Bolivia) The City of Sucre was judged as relatively well preserved and the awareness of the city's values well developed. The development plan for Sucre would, however, need to reinforce aspects of cultural heritage preservation.
City of Cusco (Peru) Major urban rehabilitation projects were underway. The designs for the Plaza de Armas and the archaeological area around Qoricancha has to be carried out by specialists of the highest level and discussed thoroughly with the local and the scientific and professional communities. Institutional cooperation between the municipality and the Institute for Culture would have to be improved, particularly in relation to the Qoricancha project.
Sites: City of Cuzco
Colonial City of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) A Master Plan for the Colonial City had been prepared reflecting an integral view on conservation including social and urban issues. This plan has to be adopted and implemented, and special attention has to be given to housing rehabilitation. The tourism development programme 'Cuna de America' is intended to stimulate cultural tourism whilst controlling its negative side effects.
Old Havana and its Fortifications (Cuba) In spite of a very well developed institutional structure, conservation efforts are seriously hindered under the present conditions in Cuba. A severe hurricaine struck Cuba in March 1993 causing serious damage to the site. Emergency assistance was underway for the restoration of the buildings surrounding the La Plaza Vieja. The monitoring mission recommended that World Heritage assistance be given to housing rehabilitation. The Committee commended the efforts of the State Party to safeguard the city and the important role on the national and ...
Trinidad and the Valley de los Ingenios (Cuba) It was reported that the town of Trinidad is generally well conserved, although shortage of specific building materials caused some problems. It is advisable to plan restoration of archaeological and architectural sites within a global plan, which would also take into account tourism development as well as proposed hydraulic projects.
Brasilia (Brazil) The protected zone of Brasilia named "El Poligono" was deemed well preserved in spite of considerable population growth. Conservation interests and urban development have to be fully integrated. The Committee was informed that Brazil intends to organize and host an international forum on the conservation of this 35-year old city. The Committee welcomed this important and appropriate initiative.
Sites: Brasilia
Island of Mozambique (Mozambique) A detailed programme for the recuperation of the island of Mozambique had been prepared by the national authorities, including aspects such as infrastructure, social, economic and cultural development, tourism, housing, education and archaeology. International and bilateral cooperation was being sought for the implementation of the recuperation plan and it was recommended to organize a donor conference.
Maya Site of Copan (Honduras) Studies and works in Copan are generally conducted according to high scientific standards. Special attention should be paid to the conservation of stone and stuccos. The original sculptures will be placed in a site museum and the replicas on the original sites. It is recommended to redefine the boundaries of the "Copan Archaeological Park" and to prepare an extension of the site. Furthermore, the management plan for the site should be updated.
Chan Chan Archaeological Zone (Peru) Conservation and maintainance of this very extensive archaeological site requires continuous efforts. Continued research on conservation techniques for adobe structures is necessary. An interregional training course on adobe conservation was in preparation between ICCROM, CRAterre, and the Regional Project. The issue of invasions and land occupation by farmers needs to be addressed immediately in order to rapidly and permanently reclaim and secure the site's intangible zone.
Chavin (Archaeological Site) (Peru) Due to the remoteness of this site and the lack of sufficient human and financial resources, it required major technical cooperation. The site is subject to ongoing deterioration that could only be reversed by integral site management. Emergency assistance is required for cleaning and maintaining the site and treatment of the stone reliefs.
Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas (Brazil) In general, the ensemble of Bom Jesus do Congonhas had been well preserved. However, architecture of mediocre quality has a negative affect on the surroundings of the site. Furthermore, regarding the physical state of conservation, specific problems were identified in parts of the woodwork in the main ship of the church and the mural paintings inside the chapel. Measures have to be taken to improve this situation.
Jesuit Missions of Guaranis (Argentina/Brazil) The Missions of Guaranis are nowadays used for tourist purposes and research. They are located in an aggressive natural environment. The successful restoration of the Missions on Brazilian territory was almost completed. Regarding the Argentina missions, restoration activities have focused on one mission, San Ignacio Mini. A more global approach was recommended as well as increased sub­regional cooperation. The Brazilian Delegation informed -the Committee that steps towards such cooperation were already being taken by the countries of ...
Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos (Bolivia) While in the beginning of the twentieth century emphazis was laid on reconstruction, in later years attention gradually shifted to the restoration of authentic elements. Because the missions are located within villages, modernization constitutes a permanent threat to the site. Legal protection had therefore to be strengthened.
National Historic Park - Citadelle, Sans Souci, Ramiers (Haiti) A major ISPAN/UNDP/UNESCO project considerably contributed to the preservation and enhancement of the site and training of local personnel. The present economic and social situation has caused a serious decline in funding. But minimum and regular maintenance is being ensured by the national institute, ISPAN. Legal protection and management should be improved. Consolidation of the Sans Souci Palace and the rehabilitation of the Royal Gardens is required. The Committee commended the Regional Project for the pioneer role in ...
Delphi (Greece) In response to recommendations made by the Bureau in June 1993, the Greek authorities informed that no permission had been granted for the construction of an olive packing unit within the protection Zone A.
Samos (Greece) The Greek authorities informed the Bureau at its seventeenth session that a road project would be undertaken under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture and that this project would not endanger the site nor the Eupalinos Tunnel. The Central Archaeological Council recently informed the Centre that the proposed road project has been rejected. The municipality was therefore studying alternative solutions that would not affect the protected area.
Historic Centre of Puebla (Mexico) The Secretariat informed the Committee that several letters had been received on a tourism development project that would imply the demolition of historic buildings. The Delegate of Mexico informed the Committee that a decree had been published in the Official Journal of Puebla on 13 August 1993 for the elaboration of an Urban Development Plan, and not a Tourist Development Plan, for a specific sector of the town, and that this was an urban instrument defined by the General Law for Human Settlements, according to standards set by the Ministry of ...
Old Town of Avila (Spain) In October 1993 the Centre was informed of a project to construct a new bridge over the river Rio Adajo just outside the historic walls of the city and close to the Roman bridge. ICOMOS reported that the bridge would directly affect the view on the city. The Spanish Delegation informed the Committee that complementary information from the municipal authorities was expected and that as soon as this was available, the Centre would receive a report in this respect. The Committee expressed its concern on this matter and requested the Centre to inform the municipal ...
Burgos Cathedral (Spain) The Committee took note of the information received from the national and local authorities, that confirm the creation of an Advisory Council for the Cathedral with the participation of the Ministry of Culture, regional and local authorities, the university and others. This Council established a Master Plan for the Cathedral in which priorities were defined for all restoration works and other interventions.
Hadrian's Wall (United Kingdom) The Committee expressed its concern regarding the project for a trail on top of Hadrian's Wall which would affect the archaeological values of the site and requested the Centre to inform the United Kingdom authorities accordingly.
Hanseatic City of Lubeck (Germany) The Delegate of Germany informed the Committee that the invitation to ICOMOS to visit the Hanseatic City of Lubeck had been postponed until after the upcoming municipal elections.
Bahla Fort (Oman) The Delegate of Oman informed the Committee that the authorities were studying the necessary restoration works of the Bahla Fort and that a report would be presented to the Centre as soon as possible.
Sites: Bahla Fort
Santa Maria Maggiore/San Giovanni Laterano (Holy See) The Observer of the Holy See informed the Committee that over the last years extensive conservation work has been carried out in the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore. The Observer also gave details of a terrorist attack which damaged the Basilique of San Giovanni Laterano. The Committee expressed its concern about the cultural heritage being the object of terrorist actions and transmitted its sympathy to the Vatican authorities.
Pueblo de Taos (United States of America) The Committee recalled that ICOMOS reported to the Bureau at its seventeenth session on the state of conservation of Pueblo de Taos. The Committee took note of the information received from the Governor of Pueblo de Taos and expressed its concern about threats to the site and local traditions, particularly the proposed extension of Taos Airport. The Committee requested the Centre to communicate these concerns to the Government of the United States, asking for detailed information on the conservation and management of the ...
Sites: Taos Pueblo
Kasbah of Algiers (Algeria) The outgoing Rapporteur presented to the Committee the main content of the report prepared by the Algerian authorities, and informed that legislative measures and urban enhancement were already underway or in preparation for the safeguard and rehabilitation of the Kasbah of Algiers. This report was transmitted to ICOMOS for evaluation and monitoring.
Auschwitz Concentration Camp (Poland) Following remarks made by the Observer of Tunisia, the Committee recommended that the Centre examines the integrity of this property inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1979 and informs the next session of the Bureau.
Angkor (Cambodia) A new Government had been constituted and was actively pursuing cooperation with their partners of the international community towards national reconstruction and development. The UNESCO Secretariat has made every effort to assist the new government in meeting the commitments which the Head of State, His Majesty Norodom Sihanouk, had made at the time of inscription of Angkor on the List of World Heritage in Danger. On the first recommendation set out by the Committee at the time of inscription: enactment of adequate protective legislation, the following had been ...
Sites: Angkor
The Old City of Dubrovnik (Croatia) The Secretariat recalled action undertaken by UNESCO in cooperation with Croatian specialists, and indicated that the brochures prepared jointly with national authorities proved to be an excellent promotional support. A number of safeguarding measures were taken: a restoration methodology was defined; training courses were organized in France and Italy for Croatian architects; equipment and materials were purchased for the restoration of roofs. These UNESCO activities, undertaken in liaison with the Institute for the Protection of Cultural ...
Saint Sophia (Turkey) During the official visit of the Director-General of UNESCO to Turkey in April 1993, the Turkish authorities drew his attention to the deteriorating state of conservation of Saint Sophia. Subsequently, a mission financed by UNESCO took place to assess the state of conservation of Saint Sophia and concluded that the building was not seriously at risk. However, it was proposed to set up a system of control, especially with regard to all movement which could affect the structure of the building. The evaluation report of the mission would be made available to the ...
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) At the request of the authorities of the Russian Federation, the Director-General decided to launch a large scale project for the rehabilitation of the Hermitage Museum. Two missions were organized in 1993 in which experts of the Kimbell Art Museum of Houston, and the Metropolitan Museum, New York, (USA) participated. Furthermore, UNESCO requested a consultant engineering firm in Edinburgh, (UK), to identify different components for a rehabilitation programme for the Hermitage Museum. This group of architects/engineers visited the site ...
Old Walled City of Shibam (Yemen) Referring to the torrential rains in spring 1993 which affected a number of houses of the Old City of Shibam, the Director of the Division of Cultural and Physical Heritage and the Delegate of Germany presented the slides made by a German film producer who had visited the site. Emphasizing the different threats being faced by Shibam, they both drew the attention of Committee members to the importance of emergency assistance to repair the sewerage network, the modernisation of traditional irrigation systems and maintenance work to make the terraces of the ...
Kizhi Pogost (Russian Federation) At the seventeenth session of the Bureau, ICOMOS informed about its involvement in the conservation efforts for Kizhi Pogost and that an expert mission would be undertaken to the site. The Bureau approved a technical assistance request to support this mission with funds provided under the Canadian Green Plan. The mission took place in summer 1993 and a full report was available. In collaboration with the Russian counterparts, the mission addressed issues such as legal protection, conservation management, fire protection, iconostasis conservation, ...
Sites: Kizhi Pogost
St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) ICOMOS reported to the Bureau at its seventeenth session on its review of factors related to the steady deterioration of the physical environment of the city. The Bureau supported the ICOMOS recommendation to explore ways and means to encourage exchange between the city's specialists and outside experts. An ICOMOS mission undertaken in June 1993 identified the following key problems: insufficient public resources, changing function of the city, housing and ecological problems, unplanned urban development, lack of appropriate management and heritage ...
Santiago de Compostela (Spain) At its seventeenth session, the Bureau discussed the problems posed by the construction of a sports hall in the World Heritage site. Severe concerns were transmitted to the Spanish authorities. Recently, an agreement has been reached between the municipal, regional and national authorities. ICOMOS evaluated the revised project and found it to be in harmony with its historic environment. The Committee expressed its satisfaction to the Spanish authorities for the action taken to maintain the integrity of the ...
Kathmandu Valley (Nepal) A joint UNESCO/ICOMOS mission was undertaken in November 1993 to evaluate current and past conservation activities to examine boundaries and to study the possibility of setting-up buffer zones, to verify the state of the listed the monuments, to assess the support capacities of the national and municipal authorities and to evaluate proposed amendments to the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act. The mission's conclusions stressed the continuing urgency of the situation and defined sixteen areas in which significant improvements should be made in order to maintain ...
Joya de Cerén Archaeological Site   675       El Salvador           C(iii)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site under criteria (iii) and (iv), but noted the fragility of the remains and recommended that particular attention should be given to its conservation.
Bamberg           624        Germany                C (ii) (iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (ii) and (iv).
Maulbronn Monastery Complex 546rev Germany C(ii)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (ii) and (iv).
Humayun's Tomb, Delhi 232 India C(ii)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (ii) and (iv).
Qutb Minar and its monu­ments, Delhi 233 India  C(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criterion (iv).
Archaeological ensemble of the Bend in the Boyne 659 Ireland C(i)(iii)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site under criteria (i), (iii) and (iv) and invited the Irish authorities to control carefully future developments in and around the site and to involve ICOMOS in conservation and management planning.
Himeji-jo 661 Japan C (i) (iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (i) and (iv).
Sites: Himeji-jo
Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu­-ji area 660 Japan C (i) (ii) (iv) (vi) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (i), (ii), (iv) and (vi).
Yakushima 662 Japan N(ii)(iii) The Committee inscribed the site under criteria (ii) and (iii) noting in particular the sacred values of the ancient forests of Yakusugi and took note of the statement by the Japanese authorities that a coordinating committee for the site had been established. The Committee endorsed the suggestion in the IUCN report concerning follow-up measures.
Sites: Yakushima
Shirakami-Sanchi 663 Japan N(ii) The Committee inscribed the site of the undisturbed pristine beech forest under criterion (ii) taking note that the Japanese authorities incorporated the original buffer zone in the site and a new map illustrating the revised boundaries. Progress on strengthening the legal basis and preparation of a management plan was also noted. The Committee noted the desirability of a follow-up mission to review progress in about three years. The Delegate of Japan thanked the Committee for its deliberations and confirmed that the Japanese authorities will do their ...
Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino 554bis Mexico N(iv) The Committee recognized the exceptional universal value of the site as a sanctuary for grey whales and other important species and inscribed it on the World Heritage List under criterion (iv). The Committee noted that there is a need for significant improvement in the infrastructure required to manage the site as well as the need to enhance educational and promotional activities outlined in more detail in the IUCN Technical ...
Historic Centre of Zacatecas 676 Mexico C(ii) (iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (ii) and (iv).
Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco 714 Mexico C(i)(iii) Following the recommendation of the Bureau, the original nomination of the mixed site of El Vizcaino was resubmitted as separate cultural and natural nominations. The Committee inscribed the cultural site of the Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco under criteria (i) and (iii).
Tongariro National Park 421rev New Zealand C(vi) N (ii) (iii) The Committee recalled that this site was originally submitted as a mixed site. However, it was inscribed in 1990 under natural criteria (ii) and (iii) only. At the same time as the Committee revised the criteria for cultural heritage, it requested the New Zealand authorities to resubmit the nomination as a mixed site. The seventeenth extraordinary session of the Bureau reviewed the revised nomination and referred it to the Committee. ICOMOS informed the Committee of a mission to the site in late November 1993. ...
Jesuit Missions of La Santisima Trinidad de Parana and Jesus de Tavarangue 648  Paraguay C(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criterion (iv). The Committee invited Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay to consider a joint inscription of the Jesuit missions on their territories. The Delegate of Brazil would welcome a joint conservation effort and announced that such an initiative was being taken in the context of ...
Baroque Churches of the Philippines 677 Philippines C(ii)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (ii) and (iv).
Tubbataha Reef Marine Park 653 Philippines N(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee inscribed Tubbataha Reef Marine Park under criteria (ii), (iii) and (iv) as one of the outstanding coral reefs in the region and encouraged the Philippine authorities to provide funds for the management of the site. The Delegate of the Philippines stated that they would do their utmost to ensure funding for the management of the site.
Biertan and its fortified Church 596 Romania C(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criterion (iv). However, the Committee strongly recommended that the surrounding landscape should be adequately protected and invited the State Party to consider the extension of the buffer zone.
Monastery of Horezu 597 Romania C(ii) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criterion (ii).
Churches of Moldavia 598 Romania C(i)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (i) and (iv), noting in particular the exceptional value of the external mural paintings.
Architectural ensemble of the Trinity sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad 657 Russian Federation C(ii)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (ii) and (iv).
Vlkolinec 622rev Slovak Republic C(iv)(v) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (iv) and (v). The Committee commended ICOMOS on the comparative study on "Traditional Villages in the Carpathian Basin and its immediate surroundings" which has been carried out in consultation with specialists from all the countries concerned.
Sites: Vlkolínec
Spissky Hrad and its associated cultural monuments 620rev Slovak Republic C(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criterion (iv).
Banská Stiavnica 618rev Slovak Republic  C(iv)(v) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (iv) and (v).
Archaeological ensemble of Merida 664 Spain C(iii)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (iii) and (iv).
Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Guadalupe 665 Spain C(iv)(vi) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (iv) and (vi).
The Route of Santiago de Compostela 669 Spain  C(ii)(iv)(vi) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (ii), (iv) and (vi). In response to a suggestion made by the Bureau, the Delegate of Spain informed the Committee that Spain would like to maintain the already inscribed sites of Santiago de Compostela and Burgos Cathedral as separate properties on the World Heritage List in view of their individual and particular uniqueness. The Delegate of France informed the Committee that discussions were in progress between Spain and France on a joint ...
Birka and Hovgarden 555 Sweden C(iii)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (iii) and (iv).
Engelsberg Ironworks 556rev     Sweden C(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criterion (iv).
Coro and its Port 658  Venezuela C(iv)(v) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (iv) and (v). The Delegate of Germany pointed out that a comparative study on colonial towns in Latin America would be appropriate to obtain a better insight in this matter.
The Complex of Hue Monuments 678 Vietnam C(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criterion (iv), but decided that the inscription would only take effect upon receipt of a Tentative List for Vietnam. By letter of 9 December the Vietnamese authorities provided the requested Tentative List, thus this property was inscribed on the World Heritage List.
Historic Town of Zabid 611  Yemen C (ii) (iv) (vi ) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (ii), (iv) and (vi). The Committee recommended the authorities to strengthen the conservation and management of the site in consultation with ICOMOS.
Fossil Findings of Ipolytarnoc 667 Hungary The Committee recognized the importance of this site on a national level, however it did not meet criteria for inscription on the World Heritage List.
Wild Ass Sanctuary 650 India The Committee was of the view that this site, although important at a national level, did not meet criteria for inclusion on the World Heritage List.
Cedars of Lebanon 646 Lebanon The Committee recognized the sacred importance of the Cedars of Lebanon. However, the nominated site is too small to retain its integrity and therefore the Committee was of the view that it did not meet natural World Heritage criteria. The Delegate of Lebanon informed the Committee that steps were being undertaken for the preparation for a future nomination of a cultural landscape being considered for the Qadisha Valley, including one Grove of the Lebanese Cedars.
Cuc-Phong National Park 673 Vietnam The Committee recognized the importance of the site as the first National Park in Vietnam. The site, however, does not meet the criteria of outstanding universal value under either natural or cultural criteria, and therefore was not recommended for inscription on the World Heritage List. During IUCN's field review of this site it was noted that other forest sites may fulfil the criteria and should be reviewed.
Everglades National Park (United States of America) The Committee's considerations and recommendations regarding the state of conservation of this site are described in Chapter X.2 of this report.
XI.3 After having reviewed the nominations for inscription on the World Heritage List, the Committee reviewed Section I of the Document WHC-93/CONF.002/7. XI.4 The Committee took note of the considerations presented by the Secretariat on this issue and of the results of an analysis of the tentative lists that have been submitted by States Parties over the years. The Committee expressed its concern on the small number of tentative lists that meet the requirements as stipulated in the Operational Guidelines, paragraphs 7 and 8, and confirmed the importance of these lists for planning ...
XI.1 The Committee took note of the advice of the authorities of Australia that the matters raised by the Bureau at its seventeenth session regarding nomination 368bis of the extension of the Central Eastern Rainforests of Australia were in the process of being resolved, and that further advice would be provided to the Bureau at its next meeting.
XI.2 With reference to the nomination of The Historic Centre of Boukhara (Uzbekistan) (602rev), the Committee noted that this property was presented by the former USSR and that it was included in its Tentative List. This Tentative List had not been reconfirmed by the Uzbekistan authorities with regard to cultural properties on its territory. Therefore, the Committee decided that inscription under criteria (ii), (iv) and (vi) would only take effect if and when the Tentative List is presented.
I Sassi di Matera 670 Italy C(iii) (iv) (v) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (iii), (iv) and (v).  
XII.1 The Committee adopted the following budget for 1994 and took note of the indicative budget for 1995. Approved budget for 1994 and indicative budget for 1995 Items 1994Approved US$ 1995 Indicative US$ 1. Preparatory assistance 150,000 150,000 2. Global and Regional thematic studies - meetings 40,000 40,000 3. Monitoring     a) Methodology meetings 65,000   World Heritage Cities 15,000   b) Implementation of programmes:     Latin America & ...
XII.3 After approval of the budget for 1994, the Committee adopted the two following recommendations and decisions for the execution of the budget: The Monitoring budget, which provides for both on-site monitoring and coordinating workshops of site managers, will respect an appropriate flexible ratio in the allocation of resources between natural and cultural programmes. Included in the budget for "Other" amounting to US$340,000, is support for training schools and seminars (e.g. Mweka, Tanzania) in developing countries and for individuals from developing countries to attend training ...
XII.4 The Committee also decided that: A balance sheet should be presented by the Director of the Centre at the end of each year. An amount of US$2 million of the undisposed balance of the Fund should be blocked as a Contingency Reserve. The Chairperson was authorized to commit up to 20% of the 1995 indicative budget in 1994 for 1995 expenditure if it was considered necessary for the smooth implementation of the programme, on condition that such commitments are within the limits of funds available and that expenditure was made in accordance with the Operational Guidelines for the ...
XIII.2 After having reviewed the requests for technical cooperation, several delegates recalled that the Committee, during its sixteenth session, signaled the need for a systematic evaluation of World Heritage activities. In this context the Delegate of Germany proposed that biennial reports be prepared by the Centre and presented to the Committee on the implementation of international assistance provided by the World Heritage Fund. The Delegate pointed out that this information was crucial for the evaluation of successive requests for the same site or project, also in view of the fact ...
XIII.1 The Committee examined document WHC­93/CONF .002/10Rev of 5 December 1993 and the Rapporteur of the outgoing Bureau reported on the requests for international assistance approved by the Bureau as well as on the following recommendations to the Committee: A. Technical Assistance Natural Heritage Sangay National Park, EcuadorThe Committee recalled that Sangay National Park was on the List of World Heritage in Danger. As requested, IUCN presented a monitoring report on the site. The Committee approved a request for US$ 28,500 for communications equipment, solar panels and donkeys ...
B. Training Natural Heritage School for the Training of Wildlife Specialists, Garoua/CameroonThe Committee reviewed a request for US$ 43,667 for a training seminar to be held in Cameroon in 1994. The Committee approved a sum of US$ 35,000 pending receipt by the Centre of more detailed information and a justification of the estimated costs.  Training Course - ENGREF (France)The Committee reviewed a request for US$ 40,000 and after considerable discussion approved a sum of US$ 30,000 for a training course by ENGREF to be held in the Tai National Park and World Heritage site. The ...
C. Emergency Assistance Cultural Heritage Old Walled City of Shibam, YemenHaving taken note of the state of conservation report presented by the Secretariat which clearly illustrated the emergency situation in Shibam, the Committee approved the request for emergency assistance for the amount of US$ 40,500 for emergency measures regarding the drainage system in Shibam (US$ 30,500) and expert services in this field (US$ 10,000). The Committee asked the Centre to inform the Yemeni authorities that they could submit an additional emergency request for consideration by the Bureau at its next ...
XIV.1 The former Rapporteur of the Committee introduced the working document WHC-93/CONF.002/11 consisting of a revised text of the Operational Guidelines concerninq the implementation of the World Heritage Convention. This text took into consideration the request of the Committee, expressed at its session in Santa Fe in 1992, that the Strategic Orientations be incorporated in the Guidelines, together with the proposals made by two States Parties, Italy and the United States of America. He explained that the Bureau, at its seventeenth session (Paris, June 1993) examined the proposed ...
XVI.1 The Committee reviewed document WHC-93/CONF.002/9 and information document WHC-93/CONF.002/INF.4. The Committee recalled the decisions taken at its sixteenth session in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1992 to include cultural landscapes on the World Heritage List, in particular the revision of the cultural criteria of the Operational Guidelines. The Committee took note of the outcome of the expert meeting held in October 1993 in Templin, Germany, at the request of the Committee. The Committee appreciated the organization of the meeting by the World Heritage Centre, assisted by the German ...
XVII.1 The Committee decided that the eighteenth session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 4 to 9 July 1994. The Committee adopted the provisional agenda for the eighteenth session of the Bureau as outlined in Document WHC­93/CONF.002/12 with an additional agenda item "International Assistance Projects, Reporting and Evaluation". XVII.2 The Delegate of Thailand transmitted the invitation by the Royal Government of Thailand to host the eighteenth session of the Committee in Thailand. The Representative of the ...
XVIII.1 The Colombian Delegate emphazised the need to analyse the spirit and objectives of the World Heritage Convention in the context of recent developments and negotiations related to environmental issues, in particular the outcome of the UNCED meeting held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The Delegate requested the Secretariat to prepare for the next Bureau meeting a reflection on possible relations between the concept of the world natural heritage and sustainable development and the linkages between the World Heritage Convention, the Biodiversity Convention and other Conventions. The ...