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World Heritage Convention

1619 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year end: 1995
By Year
XXI.1 Before proceeding to the examination and adoption of the draft report, the Chairperson, with the approval of the Committee, invited the Observer of Afghanistan to take the floor. In thanking the Committee for the emergency assistance granted by the Chairperson for the Minaret of Jam, he referred to the cultural properties of Afghanistan on the tentative list which continue to be threatened by war and illicit traffic. On behalf of his Government, he expressed his hope that these sites could one day be inscribed on the World Heritage List and appealed for international protection for ...
XI.3 The Committee considered that in 1996 priority should continue to be given to African cultural heritage and a second subregional meeting would be held in Ethiopia concentrating on the Sudano-sahelian world and the Horn of Africa. The committee took note that in 1997, the cultural heritage of the Caribbean would be the subject of a subregional meeting.
XI.7 The Secretariat presented the regional thematic studies carried out in 1995 and the Committee took note of the detailed reports contained in information documents INF.8 and INF.9. - "Regional Thematic Study Meeting on Asian Rice Culture and its Terrace Landscapes (Philippines, 28 March to 4 April 1995)- "Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Associative Cultural Landscapes" (Australia, 27 to 29 April 1995).
XI.10 The Committee took note of the action taken by both the Secretariat and IUCN concerning fossil and geological heritage within an overall Global Strategy for natural heritage. The committee furthermore took note of a "World Heritage session" foreseen during the International Geological Congress to be held in Beijing in 1996. Several delegates noted the importance of linking the Global Strategy for natural and cultural heritage.
XII.1 The Centre presented Document WHC-95/CONF.203/9 in which section A focused on Natural Heritage and section B focused on Cultural Heritage sites. A. Natural Heritage XII.2 An Information Document "Strategy for Training in the Field of Natural Heritage" WHC-95/CONF.203/INF.11A was tabled. The session began with a background statement referring to state Party responsibilities in Article 5 (e) of the Convention and to the assistance available for training in Article 22 (c). Training is defined as a broadly encompassing term that includes education, training and promotion. XII.3 The ...
Upon considering the financial accounts as at 31 October 1995 and the cash flow situation, the Committee decided to increase the budgetary allocation for international assistance to US$ 1,500,000 with the following breakdown: * US$ 175,000 for preparatory assistance; * US$ 685,000 for technical cooperation, 1/3 for natural and 2/3 for cultural heritage; * US$ 550,000 for training, half for natural and half for cultural heritage. The Centre informed the Committee that out of the 51 requests, 14 cases (3 for natural heritage and 11 for cultural heritage) were for sums above US$ 30,000, ...
A.1.1 Technical cooperation Komodo National Park (Indonesia) (US$ 64,500 requested) The Committee reviewed the request for the purchase of a fibreglass catamaran boat and additional accessories for the GIS system for a total of US$ 64,500. However, in the light of the amount of funds already provided for the purchase of boats for the site, the Committee approved this project for a reduced amount of US$ 30,000, under the condition that the Indonesian authorities find an additional US$ 30,000 from other sources for its purchase. It furthermore suggested that the boat be insured by the ...
B.1.1 Technical cooperation Preparation of Guidelines for Risk preparedness for World Heritage sites (request presented by ICOMOS) (US$ 30,000 requested) The Committee approved the request of US$ 30,000 for the preparation and publication of the "Guidelines for Risk Preparedness for World Cultural Heritage sites" in 1,000 copies. IUCN should be associated. US$ 15,000 would be provided to ICOMOS from the 1996 budget and the remaining amount would be included in the 1997 budget. Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos (Bolivia) (US$ 30,000 requested) The Committee approved an amount of US$ ...
While noting that the authority for approving international assistance requests under US$ 30,000 is delegated to the Bureau and those under US$ 20,000 to the Chairperson, the Committee also approved the following training requests discussed during the session: C.1 Training (Cultural Heritage) Master Programme in Heritage Conservation (Request submitted by Argentina) (US$ 20,000)The Committee approved the requested amount of US$ 20,000 to finance the participation of six international experts in a series of six workshops to be organized in 1996 by the International Centre for Heritage ...
XV.1 The Committee approved the report of the Working Group on the World Heritage Fund, and after considerable discussion the 1996 budget was established at US$ 3,000,000. Suggested revisions to the budget format and financial statement were noted and the Centre was requested to continue its efforts to develop more transparency in the presentations. The Committee decided to replenish the Emergency Reserve Fund to US$ 500,000 at 1 January 1996 and 1 January 1997. The Committee, at its closing session, took note of an indicative budget for Chapters 11 to V for 1997 amounting to ...
XVI.6 The adopted text reads as follows: "Working methods of the World Heritage Committee 1. Following discussions at its meeting in July 1995 the Bureau agreed that the matter of improving the working methods of the Committee should be considered by the Committee at its nineteenth session. The growing number of items on the agenda was considered to require a more rational use of the time available to the Committee. 2. It is recognised that any change to the working methods of the Committee are likely to also impact on the operations of the Bureau, the World Heritage Centre and the ...
XVII.1 The Secretariat introduced the Working Document and recalled that the Committee at its eighteenth session decided that the following specific revisions of the Operational Guidelines should be examined by the Bureau at its nineteenth session. A. Chapter I, Section C of the operational Guidelines: CRITERIA FOR THE INCLUSION OF CULTURAL PROPERTIES IN THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST (DEFINITION OF AND CRITERIA FOR CULTURAL PROPERTIES) Based upon the results of four regional and thematic expert meetings that were held in 1994 and 1995 on 'Heritage Canals' (Canada, 15-19 September 1994), ...
XVIII.1 The Committee decided that the twentieth session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee would be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 24 to 29 June 1996, pending confirmation of the availability of UNESCO conference facilities for those dates. XVIII.2 The Provisional Agenda for the twentieth session of the Bureau as outlined in Document WHC-95/CONF.203/15Rev. was adopted without amendment and is attached as Annex IV.
XIX.1 The Director of the World Heritage Centre informed the Committee that the Governments of Italy and Mexico have both officially expressed their readiness to host the Committee in 1996, while the Government of Finland would like to host such a meeting in 1998. XIX.2 The Delegate of Italy thereupon reiterated his Government's invitation to the Committee, indicating however that should the Committee hold its next meeting in Mexico, the 1997 session could possibly be held in Naples. The Delegate of Italy will inform the World Heritage Centre as soon as possible of the agreement of the ...
Komodo National Park (Indonesia) (US$ 64,500 requested) The Bureau reviewed the request for the purchase of a fibreglass catamaran boat and additional accessories for the GIS system for a total of US$ 64,500. However, in the light of the amount of funds already provided for the purchase of boats for the site, the Bureau recommended the Committee to approve the above project for a reduced amount of US$ 30,000, under the condition that the Indonesian authorities find an additional US$ 30,000 from other sources for its purchase. It furthermore suggested that the boat be insured by the ...
College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka (Tanzania) (US$ 30,000 requested) The Bureau recommended the Committee to approve an amount of US$ 30,000 for three students to attend the one-year course (1996/97) at the College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, Tanzania, requesting the Centre to contact the Principal of the School to provide a detailed financial breakdown for each of the students.
Preparation of Guidelines for Risk Preparedness for World Heritage Sites (request presented by ICOMOS) (US$ 30,000 requested) The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve the request of US$ 30,000 for the preparation and publication of the "Guidelines for Risk Preparedness for World Cultural Heritage Sites" in 1,000 copies. IUCN should be associated. US$ 15,000 should be provided to ICOMOS from the 1996 budget and the remaining amount would be included in the 1997 budget. Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos (Bolivia) (US$ 30,000 requested) The Bureau recommended that the Committee ...
Inter-regional Postgraduate course in the Conservation of Monuments and the Rehabilitation of Historical cities (CECRE) (Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, March-December 1996): Request for international professors submitted by Brazil (US$ 45,000 requested) The Bureau recommended the Committee to approve an amount of US$ 30,000 for six international professors. Inter-regional Postgraduate course in the Conservation of Monuments and the Rehabilitation of Historical Cities (CECRE) (Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, March-December 1996): Request for fellowships for ten international students submitted by ...
Historical centre of Mompox (Colombia) (US$ 30,000 requested) The Bureau recommended that the State Party revise the request for a smaller amount and resubmit it to the Chairperson of the Committee.